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Hungary | Data Improvement #152

Open SyedNasrulla-TomTom opened 1 year ago

SyedNasrulla-TomTom commented 1 year ago

Project description


Improving the map quality in Hungary by sharing tasks that can help fix data errors and/or add certain kinds of features.

How to participate

Anyone is welcome to contribute to this project by participating in our MapRoulette challenges. Here is the extended documentation for using MapRoulette. Note that sometimes additional instructions are provided within the challenges. We also strongly encourage you to follow the OSM editing good practices and be mindful of commonly made mistakes in Hungary.

When appropriate, TomTom will also work on the tasks. If they are more suited to be solved without organized help, we will indicate as such in the overview and leave them for interested mappers with local knowledge to complete the tasks.

Here is the current set of challenges.

Edits based on map feedback

Click to expand. We make improvements to OSM based on user feedback submitted for the TomTom map after comparing and ensuring that it is also valid for OSM. Here is a list of the types of edits to be made, provided they do not conflict with others’ edits and a local source is available: - Highways - Adding or correcting highways - Adding or correcting link roads - Adding or adjusting bridges, tunnels, layers, or relations - Adding or updating lanes and related properties - Adding or updating traffic signs - Adding or updating access barriers - Adding or updating turn restrictions - Addresses - Adding or correcting addresses - Updating the position of address nodes, usually when an object has multiple addresses - Adding or correcting names of ways - POIs (Points of Interest) - Adding POIs - Correcting POI locations - Adding or correcting POI information - Resolving POI-land use discrepancies - Handling POI closures - Land use - Adding land use - Modifying existing land use extent - Buildings - Adding buildings - Updating building type - Adjusting building shape - Water - Adding or realigning rivers, streams, and lakes. - Railways - Adding railway tracks - Realigning railway tracks - Adding or adjusting railway infrastructure tags such as bridges, tunnels, level crossings - Ferry lines - Adding ferry lines - Realigning ferry lines - Adding ferry terminals These are incidental edits spread over time starting May 10, 2023. We follow local guidelines and, if needed, consult with the community before making an update.

Active Challenges

Inactive Challenges

Quality check challenges

Click to expand. - [Tag area=yes on object without feature type]( The area=yes tag is required for some closed ways when used to define a polygon. For closed ways with other tags, there is an assumption that the way defines an area. In some circumstances, a closed way may define both a closed polyline and an area. When tag area=yes is used, it is expected that one of the necessary accompanying tags is also found. - [Polygon has self-intersection]( The necessary edits will be made to fix cases where the tag on a way indicates that the object is a polygon feature, but the way does not meet the definition of a closed way because it is self-intersecting, or ways in a relation with the same role form a self-intersecting polygon - [Spiky buildings]( Buildings with extremely sharp angles will be identified and corrected if needed. - [This multipolygon is a simple polygon]( Simple areas are mapped in OSM by creating a closed way and tagging it as an area object rather than a line. Relations of the type multipolygon are used to represent complex areas with holes inside or consisting of multiple disjoint areas. A multipolygon relation can have any number of ways in the role outer (the outline) and any number of ways in the role inner (the holes), and these must form valid rings to build a multipolygon. When a relation of the type multipolygon consists of only one member, which is a simple area, an error is logged. - [Impossible angle in a highway]( In general, roads intended for vehicles should be built to maintain proper angles which ensure maneuvers and fluent traffic. Extreme, too sharp angles applied to a way may indicate errors in the road geometry. - [Invalid Turn Restriction]( This check identifies invalid turn restrictions. Invalid turn restrictions occur in a variety of ways, from invalid members to edge geometry issues to not being routable to wrong topology. Relations, ways and nodes in relations as well as turn restrictions are checked. A relation needs to have exactly one way with role 'from' and exactly one way with role 'to'. These ways should be linked together by at least one way with role 'via' OR with exactly one node with role 'via' (no more and no less). - [Polygon is not closed]( Features intended to be a polygon should be correctly tagged. When the tag indicates that the object should be a polygon, but the geometry is built out of a NON-closed way, an error is logged. - [Invalid Mini-Roundabout]( Mini-roundabouts are a special kind of roundabout with the same rules as other roundabouts, but present as painted circles rather than physical circles. There might also be a low, fully traversable dome or island that vehicles can drive across. Road traffic flows in one direction around a point in the middle, and the traffic in the roundabout has right-of-way. A mini-roundabout is recorded using the tag highway=mini_roundabout.

Isolated Highways Challenges

Click to expand Ways with tag highway=* must be connected to the rest of the road network to ensure its continuity, e.g. for route planning. When such a way is not connected to another way with tag highway=*, an error is logged. - [Hungary - Connect Isolated Highways]( - [Not connected highway](

Data inconsistencies

Click to expand - [Hungary - Add Surface to Highway - January 2023]( Identify and add missing surface tags on motorways and motorway links. - [Hungary - Missing access tag]( Identify and add the missing access tag to describe the legal accessibility of a road network. - [Fix Incorrect Highway Junctions]( Analysis of the data provide the results, where geometry is not connected (almost junction) or ways are duplicated. - [Add Highways]( Data analysis done by TomTom suggests that there should be a way here in OSM, but it is missing. - [Fix Building & Highway Intersections]( Identify and fix, if needed, cases where a way with tag highway=* intersects with a building.

Geographical scope

Data improvements will be made across the whole country.


TomTom Organised Editing

We will follow the Organised Editing Guidelines for this project. TomTom will not make any edits until two weeks after the project announcement. Here is our Organised Editing page, including a list of our mappers.

How to find TomTom's edits

All edits made by our team have the hashtag #tt or #tomtom.

Sources for editing

For some OSM map edits TomTom editors will use proprietary sources for support. These will typically be in situations where there is not sufficient evidence using the available sources in OSM editors themselves. The proprietary sources will be ground-level imagery and GPS traces, both collected by TomTom's mobile mapping vans. On occasion, we will also use sources collected from a field survey by one of TomTom's sourcing specialists who have visited the location and collected data to support the required map updates.

How to reach out

If you have remarks about a specific edit of ours, please drop a comment in the changeset, and we will do our best to respond thoughtfully. Or, you can also:

grinapo commented 1 year ago

Impossible angle in a highway seems to be all invalid, or at least extremely sensitive. All the angles I have checked from the list were acceptable simplification of the real-life road geometry. Shall I mark them invalid one by one?

grinapo commented 1 year ago

Invalid mini roudabout is clearly wrong: they are not circular ways but nodes (see wiki).

(Also roundabouts does not have the right-of-way by their nature, they require right-of-way signs (at least in Europe). In practice they all must have it so yes, in practice they all usually have the right-of-way.)

SyedNasrulla-TomTom commented 1 year ago

Impossible angle in a highway seems to be all invalid, or at least extremely sensitive. All the angles I have checked from the list were acceptable simplification of the real-life road geometry. Shall I mark them invalid one by one?

Thanks for your input, @grinapo. We analyzed the Impossible Angle in a Highway challenge and found many situations where imagery confirms that the roads are either misaligned or incorrectly located. I am attaching 2 examples below for your review: 79800681_not aligned with imagery 620908508_task-133581508_jagInGeo

That said, we also found a task that could be interpreted as a false positive, and a couple of tasks that may be already corrected. So it seems like this challenge is a mixed bag of potentially valid and invalid leads.

Here is my suggestion to you. If you consider a task to be invalid based on your knowledge of the situation, I encourage you to mark it as 'Not an Issue'. Our team will review that task later and, based on their sources, either accept the status you set or make changes.

Appreciate your interest and feedback so far.

grinapo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your input, @grinapo. We analyzed the Impossible Angle in a Highway challenge and found many situations where imagery confirms that the roads are either misaligned or incorrectly located. I am attaching 2 examples below for your review:

I would say that the first example is false positive. While many of us do precision mapping or micromapping, but in the general case when we do not have high-precision and high resolution data it is quite pointless to expect ways to have extreme details, like many nodes desribing an arc. Your fist example would not even be noticed on normal zoom, and while it is clearly possible to refine the way details I do not think it would be an error, or even a problem. I would click false positive without doubt.

The second case is clearly a proper error which needs to be fixed, and I'd expect similar reports in Maproulette. It is not a detail problem but clearly a geometric one (the way shows a direction change which does not exist).

That said, we also found a task that could be interpreted as a false positive, and a couple of tasks that may be already corrected. So it seems like this challenge is a mixed bag of potentially valid and invalid leads.

I believe it would be important to see what your colleagues believe to be real problems and for exactly what reason, based on the first example, where it seemingly contradicts with my thresholds.

Here is my suggestion to you. If you consider a task to be invalid based on your knowledge of the situation, I encourage you to mark it as 'Not an Issue'. Our team will review that task later and, based on their sources, either accept the status you set or make changes.

I believe that's what eventually happens anyway for other people, just when the non-issues are a high ratio then people lose their patience and go away.

Appreciate your interest and feedback so far.

I'm trying. All QA help is welcome, we're still pretty low on useful QA tools.

SyedNasrulla-TomTom commented 1 year ago

Invalid mini roudabout is clearly wrong: they are not circular ways but nodes (see wiki).

(Also roundabouts does not have the right-of-way by their nature, they require right-of-way signs (at least in Europe). In practice they all must have it so yes, in practice they all usually have the right-of-way.)

Thanks for your input, @grinapo. We analyzed the Impossible Angle in a Highway challenge and found many situations where imagery confirms that the roads are either misaligned or incorrectly located. I am attaching 2 examples below for your review:

I would say that the first example is false positive. While many of us do precision mapping or micromapping, but in the general case when we do not have high-precision and high resolution data it is quite pointless to expect ways to have extreme details, like many nodes desribing an arc. Your fist example would not even be noticed on normal zoom, and while it is clearly possible to refine the way details I do not think it would be an error, or even a problem. I would click false positive without doubt.

The second case is clearly a proper error which needs to be fixed, and I'd expect similar reports in Maproulette. It is not a detail problem but clearly a geometric one (the way shows a direction change which does not exist).

That said, we also found a task that could be interpreted as a false positive, and a couple of tasks that may be already corrected. So it seems like this challenge is a mixed bag of potentially valid and invalid leads.

I believe it would be important to see what your colleagues believe to be real problems and for exactly what reason, based on the first example, where it seemingly contradicts with my thresholds.

Here is my suggestion to you. If you consider a task to be invalid based on your knowledge of the situation, I encourage you to mark it as 'Not an Issue'. Our team will review that task later and, based on their sources, either accept the status you set or make changes.

I believe that's what eventually happens anyway for other people, just when the non-issues are a high ratio then people lose their patience and go away.

Appreciate your interest and feedback so far.

I'm trying. All QA help is welcome, we're still pretty low on useful QA tools.

I agree with you about the first example. As I said, it's a mixed bag generated based on consistency checks currently in place but its constantly evolving. We strive to keep the non-issues to a minimum by reconfiguring the rule's logic based on valuable input like yours. So keep the feedback coming :-)

ghost commented 1 year ago 😄

kiranahiretomtom commented 8 months ago

The 'Sources for editing' section updated with the below information-

  1. Removed Maxar Premium Imagery from the list as it's not available anymore in OSM
  2. Added a description of proprietary sources to support editing