tomtom / quickfixsigns_vim

Mark quickfix & location list items with signs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to change the background color of the quickfixsigns column? #22

Closed weynhamz closed 12 years ago

weynhamz commented 12 years ago

The background color of the signs column is ood.

I use solarized colorscheme and have set foldenable and set foldcolumn=1 as well as set nu.

I think the background color of the quifixsigns column should be the same as the fold column or the line nuber column.

How can I fix this?

QuifixSigns Column Background Color

weynhamz commented 12 years ago

I figured it out, just set the SignColumn colorgroup to Black.

highlight SignColumn ctermbg=Black guibg=Black

Maybe this should be the default in the plugin.

tomtom commented 12 years ago

The colors of SignColumn are not controlled by quickfixsigns but by the colorscheme you use. The signs are highlighted using some of the usual highlighting groups. Thus the problem seems to be rather caused by the colorscheme -- maybe it was written for an earlier version of vim when vim didn't have signs yet or its author forgot about this column.

weynhamz commented 12 years ago

Anyway, thanks for the help.