tomtzook / gradle-cmake

A Gradle integration plugin for CMake
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Support build for generators other than Make + CMake parameters #4

Closed dwang-hingehealth closed 1 year ago

dwang-hingehealth commented 1 year ago

Hi Tom,

Thank you for With this change, I was able to successfully cmake configure my project, but the cmake build step still fails now, due to the fact that is hard coded to use make. Would it be possible to change it in favour of the more generic cmake --build <dir> --target <target> --parallel <threads>?

Also, if it's not too much, would it be possible to add support for arbitrary CMake parameter definitions in the veins of cmake -DMyVar=Value?

Thank you so much

tomtzook commented 1 year ago

I totally forgot that generators used a different build system, sorry.

It's a good suggestion. I'll start when I can.

tomtzook commented 1 year ago

Published version 1.2.0

cmake {
    targets {
        example_project {

            cmakeArgs.add('arg1', 'arg2') // passed to cmake
            generatorArgs..add('arg1', 'arg2') // passed to the underlaying build system (make, ninja, etc)

For custom generators, (ones with no built in support), you will need to add an implementation of com.github.tomtzook.gcmake.generator.CmakeGeneratorBuildTask. Then add in your script:

generators.customGenerators.register("nameOfGenerator") {

And use the generator with generators.customGenerators.nameOfGenerator.

Sorry it took so long, was pretty swamped with life stuff. Haven't had the chance to test the custom generators part. Again sorry. But you really are welcome to add code yourself.