tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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German Translation for GenerateBlocks 1.8.0-alpha.1 #1050

Open SchneiderSam opened 1 year ago

SchneiderSam commented 1 year ago

As a German user, I've noticed that some specific web design and CSS terms are only available in English. While many users are familiar with these terms, providing German translations could enhance the usability and accessibility for German-speaking users.

Understanding the complexity involved in plugin localization, I would like to offer my assistance in translating GenerateBlocks to German.

Here are some translations for specific terms I have noted:

Border - Rand
Sizing - Größenanpassung
Dynamic Data - Dynamische Daten
Effects - Effekte
MIN WIDTH - Mindestbreite
MAX WIDTH - Maximale Breite
MAX HEIGHT - Maximale Höhe
MIN HEIGHT - Mindesthöhe
Choose or add font name - Schriftname wählen oder hinzufügen
Background - Hintergrund
Enable Dynamic Data - Aktiviere dynamische Daten
Opacity & Blend - Deckkraft & Mischung
Transition - Übergang
Box Shadow - Boxschatten
Transform - Transformieren
Filter - Filter
Hide on desktop - Auf dem Desktop verbergen
Hide on tablet - Auf dem Tablet verbergen
Hide on mobile - Auf dem Mobilgerät verbergen

I believe my understanding of both English and web design terminologies can be beneficial for this task. If there is a need for this kind of assistance, I'd be happy to contribute to a GB I greatly value and regularly use.