tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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Block alignments don't appear in Layout menu when enabled via theme.json #1089

Closed grahammtbr closed 6 months ago

grahammtbr commented 1 year ago

Hey Tom & Co.,

The move of the alignments (alignwide/full) from the inspector control bar to the Layout menu broke support for when alignment theme support is enabled via theme.json (setting: layout).

For further reference here is my issue from last year when this happened the first time, and I'm guessing could be the issue here.

Thanks, Graham

onetrev commented 1 year ago

I noticed this too today. In my opinion is this is a pretty major issue, I have a lot of sites out there that can now suddenly not access this functionality unless I go back and edit my custom theme functions. This problem was previously fixed a couple of years ago with this pull request.

fiveoclock commented 1 year ago

Also experienced the same problem when using GenerateBlocks with any block theme I tried. Alignwide/Full settings are missing under the Layout section.

syllie commented 1 year ago

+1 Currently building a custom theme, utilizing only theme.json and indeed missing those controls. Mitigating by adding a default WP Group block but this should not be needed.

onetrev commented 6 months ago

Hey @tomusborne just making sure this doesn't get missed in the GenerateBlocks 1.9 release. It's very annoying, but I know is pretty minor. An end user like myself can fix it like so, but it would be nice to not have to do this. 😁

  // HACK: enable full and wide width alignment (needed due to bug in GenerateBlocks 1.8)
  add_theme_support( 'align-wide' );
tomusborne commented 6 months ago

This is tough as I'm not finding a way to know if a block theme has enabled support for the align-x classes.

I'll keep digging.

tomusborne commented 6 months ago

This is fixed in 1.9.0 (almost in public alpha).