tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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Transforming from core/paragraph to generateblocks/headline #1117

Closed tdrayson closed 5 months ago

tdrayson commented 10 months ago


Currently, if I start writing with the core paragraph block and then transform it to the GB headline block, it sets the heading level to h2.

I saw there was a request added last year to retain the heading level from core/heading block.

It would be nice if you could do the same for the core/paragraph block



Calvin-Susan commented 9 months ago

Same! That would be a HUGE timesaver!

I tried getting rid of the default paragraph block, but then when you copy/paste text in, things go haywire 😅

slomeli79 commented 9 months ago

Agree this would be helpful. It's currently a workflow speed bump.

ifrountas commented 9 months ago

I also came here for the same thing 😊 would be time saver

eastriverstudio commented 9 months ago

Yes please, it is one of my main frustrations uisng the headline frequently for parapgraph copy which I personally like to do because it has more controls than the core block.