tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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Be able to use up/down cursor keys to nudge spacing field values #1135

Closed dgwyer closed 8 months ago

dgwyer commented 9 months ago

I love being able to use the cursor keys in browser dev tools to nudge numerical values up/down. Maybe we can consider this too for spacing input boxes (padding, margin, border width etc.)?

tomusborne commented 8 months ago

This would be cool.

One potential challenge here is that our UnitControl can access values like calc() and var(), so we would need logic to only allow this if the value is numeric.

dgwyer commented 8 months ago

I've noticed that the GitHub auto-close issue feature doesn't seem to be working. e.g. I marked this issue to be closed via the PR here but it didn't seem to work.

Not sure exactly why, but I think it could be to do with it only auto-closing when merging a PR into the default branch (i.e. master in this case). It's pretty annoying to have to manually close associated issues!

tomusborne commented 8 months ago

Yea, it's super annoying. I think it would auto-close once the code is merged into the default branch (when we release).