tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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Border Width Responsive issue #1160

Open fernandoazarcon2 opened 6 months ago

fernandoazarcon2 commented 6 months ago


Border disappears on mobile when you change the Border width responsively.

For example, the code output by GB on desktop is: { border: 20px solid #d74141; } on desktop, it overrides this:

@media (max-width: 767px) { border: 4px; }

As shown, the color and style parameters are missing in the mobile query. We need to re-add them or alter the CSS code altogether.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add a constant top, bottom, left and right Border to a GB Block.
  2. Alter the border width on mobile.

Expected behavior

Border width changes

Actual behavior

Border disappears.

