tomusborne / generateblocks

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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Default colours displayed if Gutenberg plugin active #1186

Closed onetrev closed 4 months ago

onetrev commented 4 months ago


If you are using a "Site Editor" theme and have the Gutenberg plugin activated, then all GenerateBlocks blocks show both your custom colours AND the default block editor colours. This does not happen in other blocks, so it seems like this might be a bug that could be exposed when latest version of Gutenberg moves into core. It might however just be an anomaly that only ever happens with Gutenberg active. :) But it's the latter, it would be nice to have it fixed, just lower priority.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Activate a Site Editor theme, such as 2024.
  2. Activate Gutenberg Plugin (tested with v17.6.5)
  3. Edit a page and change colours on a core block then on the same page try that with a GenerateBlocks block.

Expected behavior

Only your theme registered colours should be displayed as an option.

Actual behavior

Theme and default colours are displayed.

Screenshot 2024-02-10 164444

onetrev commented 4 months ago

With Gutenberg v17.8.2 this so no longer seems to be an issue, so closing it off. Easy done!