tomusdrw / grunt-sync

[Not actively developed] Grunt.js task providing one-way synchronization of directories. Instead of copying all files only those that has been changed are copied which actually results in much faster execution.
MIT License
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Does not copy .htaccess files. #19

Closed mrkoonce closed 10 years ago

mrkoonce commented 10 years ago

Does not copy .htaccess files when syncing

tomusdrw commented 10 years ago

You either have to configure source explicitly to match dot files **/.* or add dot: true to your files definition. Check configuring tasks @ grunt and let me know if it helps.

mrkoonce commented 10 years ago

yes that worked ty.

gbmhunter commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I think this info should be put somewhere really obvious because I'm sure it would catch many people out (e.g. the .bin folder inside node_modules would not be copied!).