tomusdrw / grunt-sync

[Not actively developed] Grunt.js task providing one-way synchronization of directories. Instead of copying all files only those that has been changed are copied which actually results in much faster execution.
MIT License
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cwd folder in dest? #24

Closed Sysix closed 9 years ago

Sysix commented 9 years ago

Hello Guys,

i have a strange problem. At first my Gruntfile.js:

var imageExtension = '{png,jpg,gif,svg,ico}';
// some code
        sync: {
            default: {
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    cwd: "dev/",
                    src: ['**', '!*.{js,scss}', '!*.' + imageExtension],
                    dest: "public/"
                verbose: true

When i editing a file, he create folders, which in named by the file and cwd-parameter.

Example Logfile:

Running "watch:misc" (watch) task
>> File "dev\index.html" deleted.
>> File "dev\index2.html" renamed.

Running "newer:sync:default" (newer) task

Running "sync:default" (sync) task
Creating public\dev\
Copying dev\index2.html -> public\index2.html\dev\index2.html

My target: Copying dev\index2.html to public\index2.html What i make wrong?

tomusdrw commented 9 years ago


Which version of grunt-sync are you using? I've checked your example on most recent on Linux and Windows and it seems to work fine.

Sysix commented 9 years ago

Hello^^ i found my Problem. grunt-newer return a wrong list of files. With sync:default it's works :)