ton-blockchain / TIPs

Improvement Proposal repository
68 stars 13 forks source link


Open tolya-yanot opened 3 years ago

tolya-yanot commented 3 years ago


It was a sad event for all of us when, in May 2020, the Telegram team was forced to stop working on TON.

As time has shown, many independent developers from all over the world could not forget about that new generation technology.

Over time, an open-source community has emerged bringing together independent developers, validators and blockchain enthusiasts. Many are winners of public TON Blockchain Contests and have shown unwavering interest in TON technology and support for it since 2019.

At the moment, the community project is concentrated around GitHub repository and posts its updates at and in the channel

We would like to highlight that our community is working on the original TON tech and the network that we are building is based on the testnet2 launched by Telegram in 2019. We updated it and turned it into the mainnet while preserving the original core technology and complying with all the principles laid out in the original documentation.

So far we have released a long list of updates to the networks which, aside of improvements, led to incompatibility of the network with the software available within the repository and documentation at

For example, the node software which may be found in the ton-blockchain repository by now already does not allow setting up a validator for the current network due to these changes. And upcoming updates will push this incompatibility even further.

Considering the above, as well as our strong commitment to continuing the support of TON and the quality of our development group participants, we kindly ask you to provide to the community the ownership of the domain and the repository, all the same, the Telegram team no longer needs them.

We believe that these assets will help us to support the further evolution of your concept in a better way and give it a new, community-driven, life.

Background info

The open-source community has maintained the network since May 2020. Since early 2021, the community has intensified its activities to restore, maintain and further develop the TON network.

During the past 6 months, the following has been achieved:






The community plans to go on supporting and developing the TON blockchain & network. In particular by launching TON Storage, TON Proxy, TON DNS, TON Payments in compliance with the original whitepapers wherever possible.

For more information on the main community developers, check Note that there are also many other people who have contributed to TON.

Very soon the community will introduce more protocol updates. Like all core changes, these will require support of all network participants and validators.

Clearly, it would be preferable to store the community code at with the information posted at

Therefore, we would like to ask you to transfer the rights to manage the repository and domain to the open-source community.

For communication, please contact @tolyayanot.

tolya-yanot commented 3 years ago

Signed (Merry Ant at

EmelyanenkoK commented 3 years ago

I fully support this initiative. Being an active member of TON community from late May 2019, multiple TON contests winner as Mellow Squid, co-organizer of resistance in 2020 and co-author of most of the achievments listed above I believe that step will strengthen and inspire our community.

neodix42 commented 3 years ago

Good idea! Since the very beginning (as participant of the first TON blockchain contest under Sweet Rhino nickname) I'm following all the updates and actively contributing to TON open source community. I see lots of new and nice services to come and thus believe that transfering of rights of the original domain and repository will help to build more solid and trustful environment.

highfeed commented 3 years ago

Signed (Telegram bot developer).

awesome-doge commented 3 years ago

Signed I think the Ton project is a good concept. Including PoS, sharding, proxy, storage. In fact, compared with other external chains, the high-speed TPS realizes the concept of sharding. Straight to celebrate. During this period, the community continues to grow and continue to maintain the concept of Ton's white paper. Realize multiple concepts step by step. I expect that the official ton project can agree to authorize the management of the ton repo. Make ton great again.!

igroman787 commented 3 years ago

Signed (Desert Tiger at, mytonctrl developer)

undrfined commented 3 years ago

Signed (Tall Tiger at

akifoq commented 3 years ago

Only recently I joined the community and I'm truly impressed with the work done in a half of a year. I'm especially pleased to the fact it's done in compliance with original Dr. Nikolai Durov and the team's vision. I believe the transfer of the domain and repository surely will help the project in growth and acceptance, thus helping people in the striving for decentralization in the world.

Signed, Suave Giraffe at

jeka-kiselyov commented 3 years ago

Signed, Tactful Seal

brainpicture commented 3 years ago

Signed (Early ton miner, creator of

neverthirty commented 3 years ago


sonofmom commented 3 years ago

Signed, TON was and still is great vision that goes far beyond simple blockchain, I believe that all members of our community are interested in keeping the flame of TON alive and growing for years to come.

akme commented 3 years ago

Signed, validator since 2019, creator of

raph commented 3 years ago


w5peng commented 3 years ago


Mourrit commented 3 years ago


murasame commented 3 years ago

"to all those striving for decentralization, balance and equality in the world. You are fighting the right battle. This battle may well be the most important battle of our generation. We hope that you succeed where we have failed." -

yes the torch will be carried on.. we are all satoshi


uniskor commented 3 years ago

Signed (Slim Dodo at

dkaraush commented 3 years ago

Signed (Bold Wolf at

blackyblack commented 3 years ago

I'm really impressed by the Newton team progress in supporting the original TON vision and moving it further. I vouch for them and sign the petition as Telegram blockchain contest winner @Nice Llama.

ViktYusk commented 3 years ago


ftkvyn commented 3 years ago

As Pavel Durov predicted in a message announsing the end of work on TON, the community is here to take over and continue the work, improving the project and supporting all the initially declared values. I am also a participant of the Blockchain contest, my nickname is Eager Boar and I fully support the initiative.

catchain commented 3 years ago


koinov commented 3 years ago

Signed (Mad Crow at

Zavtramen commented 3 years ago

Signed (Dark Parrot at

AlexBSoft commented 3 years ago


drinkless commented 3 years ago


Kyborg2011 commented 3 years ago

Signed (Earnest Gnu at — 3rd place in MultiSig Wallets Contest)

P.S.: Good luck to all, as I am fully supporting this project, even if right now I can't invest a lot of personal time in it!

akito703 commented 3 years ago


scott350 commented 3 years ago


Gene0925 commented 3 years ago


zacktontaiwan commented 3 years ago


gr8den commented 3 years ago

Signed (Funny Deer at - III place on 1st stage, II place on 2nd stage of TON Contest)

EnoRage commented 3 years ago

Good luck. (Sexy Chameleon)

brainfrog commented 3 years ago


lykovaleksey commented 3 years ago


ton-blockchain commented 3 years ago

We are glad to see the high level of continued interest from the community to support and develop the TON technology.

Since Telegram itself no longer has any involvement in the project and we no longer use related resources, we are therefore ready to consider their transfer to a representative of the community to be utilized going forward.

To proceed with that we ask the representative of the community to send a respective request signed by his/her GPG privkey by email to our address We also ask the representative to publish his/her GPG pubkey in the newton-blockchain GitHub where the members of the community will be able to support or oppose the transfer of the TON resources under the responsibility of that person.

We look forward to hearing from interested parties.

The Telegram Team

andydrewie commented 3 years ago

Nice 👍