Closed leedioxin closed 5 years ago
Have you updated the standard Fift libraries such as TonUtil.fif
Yes, I brought the whole repo up to date at the same time.
The only dirty file that shows up in status is validator-keys.
8< ----- snippet ------ >8 tonton@ip-10-5-1-13:~/source/ton$ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add
8< ------- end snippet ------ >8
And I'm on commit 9c9248a9ae1791152d88c9c36574b4becdf5e8b6 right now.
My FIFTPATH is pointing to the libs and source inside of the repo.
For building I made sure I did a make clean and then make.
Still getting this ...
tonton@ip-10-5-1-13:~/source/crypto$ ./create-state ../ton/crypto/smartcont/gen-zerostate-test.fif
[ 1][t 0][1571751469.287052393][words.cpp:2906] CreateState.fif:194: pubkey>$: -?
[ 1][t 0][1571751469.287115812][create-state.cpp:665] Error interpreting application-specific preamble file CreateState.fif
: error interpreting included file CreateState.fif
: CreateState.fif:194: pubkey>$: -?
Check that correct include path is set by -I or by FIFTPATH environment variable, or disable standard preamble by -n.
Yes, so you probably set up FIFTPATH
environment variable to a separate location not inside the local repository. Then CreateState.fif
would load an older version of TonUtil.fif
My FIFTPATH is pointed into my copy of the repo. I don't have another copy of TonUtil.fif.
I'm guessing nobody else is having this particular issue then?
We have managed to reproduce this problem. It will be fixed in a next commit. In the meantime, you can simply add "TonUtil.fif" include
at the very beginning of CreateState.fif
Oh, that's good news. Doing that does get me further.
Now it looks like one of the contracts in gen-zerostate-test isn't registering, but that's definitely a distinct issue. I'll poke around at it for a bit, and maybe open up a different issue.
I will close this one.
Thank you
When I try to run create state in the latest commit, I'm getting an error from the fift script CreateState
[ 1][t 0][1571676161.116434336][words.cpp:2906] CreateState.fif:194: pubkey>$: -? [ 1][t 0][1571676161.116489887][create-state.cpp:665] Error interpreting application-specific preamble file
: error interpreting included fileCreateState.fif
: CreateState.fif:194: pubkey>$: -? Check that correct include path is set by -I or by FIFTPATH environment variable, or disable standard preamble by -n.It looks like I don't get this if I go back to before the last update to CreateState (commit 38c3e39066a9c3b8a62b2f4cad54df4dc6307360).
I was wondering if maybe a small bug was introduced?