I'm getting following error, when I am using get methods in the contracts in Vue.js app:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it
at __classPrivateFieldGet (TonClient.js:17:94)
at Proxy.runMethod (TonClient.js:53:25)
at Proxy.callGetMethod (TonClient.js:68:21)
at Object.get (TonClient.js:329:39)
at DSocialNetworkMaster.getGetBlogsCount (tact_DSocialNetworkMaster.ts:1750:38)
at Proxy.<anonymous> (openContract.js:38:47)
at getLastBlogAddress (CreateBlog.vue:87:52)
at goToNewBlogAddress (CreateBlog.vue:72:25)
at callWithErrorHandling (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:158:18)
at callWithAsyncErrorHandling (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:166:17)
Possibly, it also can be the case in other frameworks, but as far as I know Vue and JS private hash fields (TonClient.#api) have difficult relationships because of Proxies used by Vue. It might resolve the error, if we replace all hash fields with just private TS properties.
I'm getting following error, when I am using get methods in the contracts in Vue.js app:
Possibly, it also can be the case in other frameworks, but as far as I know Vue and JS private hash fields (
) have difficult relationships because of Proxies used by Vue. It might resolve the error, if we replace all hash fields with just private TS properties.