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Arism Wallet - A hybrid-custodial wallet and distributed key management protocol #587

Open SnowyField1906 opened 5 months ago

SnowyField1906 commented 5 months ago


Arism Wallet is a hybrid-custodial wallet and distributed key management protocol. This decentralized wallet application uses advanced cryptographic algorithms to ensure the security and integrity of user's private keys.

Key features include:

[^1]: Features are planned to be implemented in the next phase.

Target audience

Node providers

We launch a Fungible Token called Arism Token (ARM) which is used for staking, rewarding and fining in operating Arism Nodes. There are two types of nodes in the Arism Network:

Node providers can stake their ARM tokens to become a Node Provider and earn rewards by taking part in verifying user's accounts. When a node provider registers a node, they will be required to stake a certain amount of ARM tokens to join the Subnet. The more ARM tokens staked, the higher the chance of being promoted to the Mainnet.


Users can create an identity by using their third-party platform accounts (e.g. Google) and link them to their Arism Wallet. There are 3 factors to verify a user's identity:

Users can sign in to the Arism Wallet by providing 2/3 factors. A user can also create multiple keys associated with their identity which is responsible by Arism Metadata.


Developers can integrate the Arism SDK into their applications to allow users to sign transactions by their Arism Wallet. The Arism Application allows users to choose which key to sign the transaction with.

We also provide special APIs to allow developers to interact with the Arism Network.


Our motivation for building the Arism Wallet comes from the following problems:

Our vision is to create a wallet with complete and native support on TON Blockchain, then consider to expand towards Cosmos ecosystem and other chains.

Key Features Telegram Wallet Tonkeeper Wallet Arism Wallet
Platform Telegram Browser extension Web application
Authentication Telegram authentication Client OAuth and client
Key storage Server User DAO and user
Model Custodial Non-custodial Hybrid-custodial
Supported chains TON TON Multi-chain

Reason for interest

The Arism Contract enables a transparent and secure way to manage anonymous node providers powered by voting schemes.

Therefore, high transaction speed and low gas fees are the prerequisites that we aim for.

Besides, we are also looking for a friendly chain that well-supports assets (e.g. Fungible Token, Non-Fungible Token, etc.). It will not only highlight the Arism Wallet's features but also provide a good basis for the Arism Protocol to grow.


Web3Auth is a forerunner of the Arism Wallet which as a total raised of 15.5 million USD over 4 funding rounds. To date, it's supporting thousands of Web3 projects with more than 12 million monthly users.

Key Features Web3Auth Arism Wallet
Node providers 9 fixed node providers from reputable parties: Binance, Ethereum, Name Service, Etherscan, Matic/Polygon, Zilliqa, Tendermint, Ontology, SKALE and Torus. 5 node providers on Mainnet and unlimited node providers on Subnet which are totally anonymous.
Stake No staking mechanism. Earn rewards by staking ARM tokens.
SDK integration Available with 4 plans: Base, Growth, Scale and Enterprise. Fees are charged around 399 USD per month. Free to integrate.
Assets management support No support for assets. Support fully assets and chain's services.
Token launch No token launched. ARM token.
Protocol vulnerability Unavailable if Torus Network is down or user lose access to connected OAuth account. Network Factor can be replaced by others (Device Factor and Recovery Factor).
Support EVM-based only. Any chain.
Smart contract Centrally controlled by Torus admin (contract owner). Decisions are casted by node providers through voting schemes as a DAO.

Estimate suggested reward

Milestone Description Estimated Duration Manpower Hours Costs Percentage
1 Implement core algorithms 1 month 3 people 320 hours 8,000 USD 16.67%
2 Draft interface 1 month 2 weeks 3 people 480 hours 12,000 USD 25%
3 Deepen interface 1 month 3 people 320 hours 8,000 USD 16.67%
4 Overall optimization and audit 1 month 3 people + Audit Team 320 hours 8,000 USD[^2] 16.67%
5 Documentation and whitepaper 2 weeks 3 people 160 hours 4,000 USD 8.33%
6 Test phase and air drop 1 month 3 people 320 hours 8,000 USD 16.67%
Total 6 months 3 people + Audit Team 1,920 hours 48,000 USD 100%

[^2]: Extra costs might be charged for the audit team.

Current status

Milestone Percentage Notes
1 10% We have implemented 1/5 of the core algorithms. Not integrated with the Arism Network yet.
2 10% We have drafted the interface for the Arism Application for demo purposes. Not integrate with the chain yet.
3 0% We have not started deepening the interface yet.
4 0% We have not started overall optimization and audit yet.
5 20% We have built a documentation site and written a brief technical insights.
6 0% We have not started test phase and air drop yet.

Milestone 1 — Implement core algorithms

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Contract Implement management, staking, rewarding and voting Low
2 Node Integrate smart contract and implement DSS, ISS Medium
3 Application Implement base UI and SSS Low
4 Metadata Implement base metadata storage Low

Milestone 2 - Draft interface

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Contract Implement token distribution and complete the DAO Low
2 Node Implement RSS, PSS and VSS Medium
3 Application Integrate Node, Metadata and blockchain Low
4 SDK Implement base SDK Medium
5 Metadata Complete metadata storage Low

Milestone 3 - Deepen interface

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Node Complete algorithms Medium
2 SDK Complete SDK Medium
3 Application Complete UI, integrate blockchain and services Low

Milestone 4 - Overall optimization and audit

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Node Audit algorithms Medium
2 Contract Audit smart contract Medium
3 SDK Optimize SDK Medium
4 Application Optimize blockchain and services Low
5 Metadata Optimize metadata storage Low

Milestone 5 - Documentation and whitepaper

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Docs Write technical insights Low
2 Docs Write whitepaper Low
3 Docs Write guides Low
4 Docs Complete documentation site Medium

Milestone 6 - Test phase and air drop

ID Scope Specification Risk
1 Node Deploy test nodes Low
2 Contract Deploy test contract Low
3 Application Deploy application Low
4 Metadata Deploy metadata Low
5 Protocol Launch air drop (ARM tokens or NFTs) Low

Team members

Name Role GitHub Contact
Nhi Tran Team Leader, Business Development Executor, Smart Contract Engineer @TranNhi27
Kiet Tran DevOps Engineer, Backend Developer, Smart Contract Engineer @Kiet1618
Thuan Nguyen Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, Smart Contract Engineer @SnowyField1906


Repository Description Link
Arism Node The peer-to-peer network that powers the Arism Network arism-node
Arism Contract The smart contract that powers the transparency of the Arism Nodes arism-contract
Arism Application The Interface for the Arism Protocol arism-application
Arism SDK The Software Development Kit for the Arism Protocol arism-sdk
Arism Metadata The service that stores metadata for the Arism Protocol arism-metadata
Arism Docs The documentation and whitepaper for the Arism Protocol arism-docs

Future Plans

Additional Information

Contact us via email: for more information.