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TonPay (For Speedy, Safer, and Secured payments) #750

Open abarukayya opened 1 month ago

abarukayya commented 1 month ago


Ton is the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain, as such, we need to develop a decentralized payment link and call to action link that will be integrated in various platforms for easier payment. We will call the link (TonPay), to be integrated through partnership with wellknow gigs platform like Upwork, Uber, Amazon MTurk etc. Or social platforms like Telegram where user can send requests to be paid in Ton, or he can share his ton link (TonPay) to be paid.


TonPay will reduce the risk of copying wallet addresses to be shared any time. As such you can just send your link to any person to pay you directly. Also we will expand the idea through partnership with popular website in various field, i.e in our social life like telegram, in finance i.e to be used as payment gateway like payoneer, PayPal, or wise, education i.e udemy pay etc.


You can find this idea (not same idea) through various payments platforms and social apps like X (Twitter) where users can ask for tip, or on tiktok etc. But our own will be more wide and advance.

Estimate suggested reward


ProgramCrafter commented 1 month ago

TON DNS already supports this. For instance, ratelance.ton is a valid wallet "link"; anyone can pay me directly using it.

abarukayya commented 1 month ago

TON DNS already supports this. For instance, ratelance.ton is a valid wallet "link"; anyone can pay me directly using it.

I agree but my own in this case is different, the link (TonPay) can't be hidden. Nowhere in telegram or Tonspace in general has any option for users to simply click and ask there friends and family for tips, so we need to create such button for simple navigation. Also, I work with various freelance platform and they integrate many payments gateway but nothing for Ton, no for telegram. If our link implemented a user can choose TonPay as his payment window. Also if you hire Uber, you pay either USD, or Euro depends on your local currency. But if links is implemented you just pay directly from your telegram to their (TonPay Wallet). In freelancing for example Upwork, Toptal or Guru, the freelancers can be able to choose our payment option in as much as he has telegram account, therefore he can receive his payment no matter how small or big, and no delay. If link (TonPay) approved, it will revolutionize payments gateway and onboard new telegram users so that they can receive their payments within the telegram app and exchange or swap into there local currency with good rate.