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Deploy System and CDN for Applications Based on Telegram Mini Apps #803

Open heyqbnk opened 1 week ago

heyqbnk commented 1 week ago


Development of this grant consists of the following set of steps:

Let's describe each of these tasks in a more detailed manner, describing a reward for each part separately.

Backend API

Backend API is the heart and brain of the whole system at the same time. This part of the project is responsible for the logic in this project.

The implementation of this module implies the following tasks:

Reward: $1000

Telegram Bot

As mentioned earlier, the Telegram bot is the entry point for a developer into the system. With the help of the bot, the developer should be able to register his project, get a token to deploy his application, delete it, and so on.

It is enough to implement the following functionality:

Reward: $800

CLI Utility

The CLI utility serves as a tool that developers will use on a regular basis. It should be an npm package that allows you to perform the following actions:

The utility may look like the following:

# Deploy files.
cli deploy --project wallet --token abc --tag staging --dir my-folder

# Get project information.
cli info --project wallet --token abc --tag staging

Reward: $700


In order not to realize our own CDN from scratch, we can use the services of such a proven service as Gcore. It provides the functionality needed to solve the tasks of the current grant.

Reward: $50


At the moment, the Telegram Mini Apps platform is developing at a rapid speed. As time passes, the development community needs not only new development tools, but also tools that can improve the app user experience.

One of the most important attributes of a great web app user experience is the speed of app opening, which often depends on the location of the hosting server.

In this grant we want to provide developers with a great alternative, a tool, to frequently used tools like GitHub Pages, Vercel and many others.


Here are the most famous alternatives for what we want to craft in this grant:

Estimate suggested reward

Summing everything up - $2550

heyqbnk commented 1 week ago

I am sorry I forgot to leave a message here.

As of now, the project is almost ready, with all components implemented.

In the following sections, I will describe what has been completed.


Telegram Bot

All of the commands mentioned above utilize the Backend API functionality.


I will add more information and links when the project is complete and can be reviewed.