ton-society / grants-program

TON Grants Program repository
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New suggestions for granting program #13

Open DittoJae opened 1 year ago

DittoJae commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have several suggestions for granting program.

  1. The cliff and vesting Instead of the 6-month cliff and 12-month vesting, recommend 1 - month cliff and 12-month vesting as other granting programs commonly go with 1- month cliff.

  2. Award Tier For Tier 1 minimum TVL, I think it can be adjusted to min $10M TVL.

  3. Terms (TVL calculation) It says TVL evaluation will be calculated based on a time-weighted average of 75% during the first 6-month cliff period. As other mainnet granting programs commonly evaluate TVL on monthly basis, how about adjusting the 2-month average basis instead?

  4. Example Not clear what it meant for " Same logic will apply but with a 1 month look back and 8.3% (1/12) of the highest tier". Another example will be a lot helpful to fully understand the remaining 6 month cliff period evaluation.

  5. Conditions (Definition of Liquid token for TVL calculation) Believe bridged major tokens from various chains should be counted. Recommend making a list to avoid confusion. Here is the list that comes to my mind so far: MATIC, ETH, USDC, USDT, DAI, BTC, KLAY, BNB, BUSD, XRP, etc

DeFiTON commented 1 year ago

1) For 1 month, it is impossible to see the result. 2) It's a lot. The program helps to create liquidity, but does not create all of it. 3) Short term for project evaluation. Average values are not considered less than half a year/year. 4) The average for the project. 5) You just listed "all tokens" possible. Each DEX independently chooses listing tokens, the assessment will take place individually.

tonkongz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback re: DeFi Rewards Program. Please see our responses:

  1. We are still a young ecosystem and thus do not want to incentive sell pressure. The fact that Toncoin is locked at $1.00 for the entire year is concession enough so it is our desire to stick to 6-month cliff and 12-month vesting.

  2. This does not achieve a progressively lower ratios

  3. So this applies only during the first 6-months cliff period. You will see that post 6-months, 1-month lookback is applied. We are doing this because our cliff is 6-months long and not 1-month. Doing 1-month lookback during the cliff period would create complexities such as different vesting amounts for each month.

  4. We will consider on a token-by-token basis. The ones mentioned herein are ok.