tonarino / actor

A minimalist actor framework aiming for high performance and simplicity.
MIT License
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Is Actor::errored() redundant? #26

Closed strohel closed 3 years ago

strohel commented 3 years ago

It seems that the functionality of the Actor::errored() callback could be equivalently achieved internally by each actor - by wrapping its real handle() in an error-handling shim handle(). System::run_actor_select_loop() could then unconditionally abort the loop when error occurs.

The only functional difference I could find was that metrics are not currently collected when Actor::handle() returns error and Actor::errored() returns Recoverable. But I'm not sure whether that's intentional.

In order not to regress in ergonomics, the crate (or users themselves) can provide wrapper (or adapter) actors that would provide the boilerplate. Imagine struct LogAndIgnoreErrorsAdapter<A: Actor>(inner: A); impl Actor for LogAndIgnoreErrorsAdapter {...} or something along that lines. A drop-in replacement adapter with errored() is also possible.

In other words: we might replace one method on the central trait by composing the existing concepts instead.