tonarino / bomberman-of-the-hill

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Improve map generation and representation, develop the tile system. #12

Closed PabloMansanet closed 3 years ago

PabloMansanet commented 3 years ago

At the moment, the tile system in the demo is very basic.

Expand ASCII map parsing

Map representation

Currently, the map is an immutable, Arc wrapped structure to deal with the limitations of wasm callbacks, and game objects such as the character and death marker don't reside in the map at all, but are simply rendered on top of it. This wasm limitation will be gone, so we don't have to worry about Arc to share references with the wasm instances.

Some thoughts:

Helpful crates

There are crates out there designed for this sort of situation that may help us, bevy_tilemap is the original one I looked at, though I see bevy_ecs_tilemap helps representing tiles in a more ECS idiomatic way so it may be worth looking into as well.

PabloMansanet commented 3 years ago

Implemented by #17 . I looked at both bevy_tilemap and bevy_ecs_tilemap and I didn't love either of them, looks like the biggest benefit in going for them would be performance, not ergonomics, and that's not a priority right now so I decided to go with something custom instead.