tonarino / bomberman-of-the-hill

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Universal WASM glue (any signatures allowed!) #16

Closed PabloMansanet closed 3 years ago

PabloMansanet commented 3 years ago

Phew, this was a bit of a mind bender, but it's finally done :)

There's a lot of dark magic in this PR, so I'm going to go into a deeper explanation than I usually do.

What does this do?

This PR allows for us to define traits with any kind of method signatures, provided all inputs and outputs implement Serialize and Deserialize, and that there's a Default supertrait (for singleton initialization). Shims and accesors will be automagically generated to interface with a wasm module through that trait. I reworked the player plugins to showcase this with a more complicated interface involving vectors and strings.

How do we use this?

We use this in three places:

How does it work?

The wasm_export procedural macro expands to shims like this:

pub fn __wasm_shim_act(
    argument_pointer_0: i32,
    argument_pointer_1: i32,
    argument_length_0: u32,
    argument_length_1: u32,
) -> i32 {
    let argument_slice_0 =
        unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(argument_pointer_0 as _, argument_length_0 as _) };
    let reconstructed_argument_0 =
        bomber_lib::bincode::deserialize(argument_slice_0).expect("Failed to deserialize argument");
    let argument_slice_1 =
        unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(argument_pointer_1 as _, argument_length_1 as _) };
    let reconstructed_argument_1 =
        bomber_lib::bincode::deserialize(argument_slice_1).expect("Failed to deserialize argument");
    let output = __WASM_SINGLETON
        .act(reconstructed_argument_0, reconstructed_argument_1);
    let serialized_output =
        bomber_lib::bincode::serialize(&output).expect("Failed to serialize output");
    unsafe {
            .for_each(|(o, i)| *o = *i);
    serialized_output.len() as i32

They take pairs of indices to a static mutable buffer, from which they reconstruct the parameters to the inner wrapped method. They then delegate to the singleton (when appropriate), serialize the result back to the same buffer, and return the length of the buffer. This respects the wasm calling conventions regardless of the types, using the static buffer as a memory scratchpad to communicate with the caller. There is a lot of unsafe here, but this is the secure, sandboxed wasm environment so it's not a big risk.

Meanwhile, the wasm_wrap macro expands to accessors like this:

#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
pub fn wasm_act(
    store: &mut ::wasmtime::Store<()>,
    instance: &::wasmtime::Instance,
    surroundings: Vec<(Tile, Distance)>,
    last_result: LastTurnResult,
) -> ::anyhow::Result<Action> {
    let memory = instance
        .get_memory(store.as_context_mut(), "memory")
        .ok_or(::anyhow::private::new_adhoc("Wasm memory block not found"))?;
    let get_wasm_buffer_address = instance
        .get_typed_func::<(), i32, _>(store.as_context_mut(), "__wasm_get_buffer_address")?;
    let wasm_buffer_base_address =, ())?;
    let mut wasm_buffer_address = wasm_buffer_base_address;
    let surroundings = bincode::serialize(&surroundings)?;
    let surroundings_address = wasm_buffer_address as usize;
    let surroundings_length = surroundings.as_slice().len();
    wasm_buffer_address += surroundings_length as i32;
    let last_result = bincode::serialize(&last_result)?;
    let last_result_address = wasm_buffer_address as usize;
    let last_result_length = last_result.as_slice().len();
    wasm_buffer_address += last_result_length as i32;
    let method = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32, _>(
    let return_length =
            surroundings_address as _,
            surroundings_length as _,
            last_result_address as _,
            last_result_length as _,
    let mut dynamic_buffer = ::alloc::vec::from_elem(0u8, return_length as usize);
        wasm_buffer_base_address as usize,
    let result = bincode::deserialize(dynamic_buffer.as_slice())?;

There's a lot going on, but it's fairly repetitive: It mainly sets up the wasm memory buffer with the appropriate serialized data, passes the indices and lengths, and deserializes the shim output using the returned buffer position. There's no unsafe at all on the calling layer, so there's no risk for undefined behaviour in the game.

All in all, it should hopefully make our future work on the player interface completely decoupled from wasm, so we can focus only on the game mechanics. Also, as far as I'm aware there's nothing the attendees could do to expose the plumbing, since the interface types are fixed, so as long as they use the right attribute macros they should be good to go.

Unrelated changes

Some of the game behaviour code has changed as I modified the examples a little to showcase how this works. Hopefully they feel a bit closer to the design we have in mind, but nothing is set on stone; after all the point of this PR is to make the player interface more flexible so we can quickly iterate on it.
