tonazoon / prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy

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HTML Source #2

Open sdhunt opened 6 years ago

sdhunt commented 6 years ago

The HTML source is reasonable. Good use made of whitespace and comments to break the code into readable chunks.

Great to see your use of semantic elements (<header>, <nav>, etc.) to provide more formal structure to the document.

Nice work remembering to define alt attributes for the images, for those viewers who have accessibility enabled.

One thing to be more careful about is indentation. This should accurately reflect the parent-child relationships between elements. For example:

Closing </div> tags would never be indented the same amount...


        <div class="location">
          <p>515 Crescent Avenue</p>
          <p>Second Flor</p>
          <p>Portland, Maine</p>


  <!-- About Section -->
  <div id="contact">
    <h2>The Tea Cozy</h2>