I encountered an error while trying to start up the server. The error message is: TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class, and it appears to be related to Pydantic model configuration. Here are the details:
File "/usr/src/ton-indexer/api/main.py", line 11, in <module>
from api.api_v1.main import router as router_v1
File "/usr/src/ton-indexer/api/api_v1/main.py", line 11, in <module>
from . import schemas
File "/usr/src/ton-indexer/api/api_v1/schemas.py", line 35, in <module>
class MsgAddressInt(BaseModel):
File "pydantic/main.py", line 197, in pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass.__new__
File "pydantic/fields.py", line 506, in pydantic.fields.ModelField.infer
File "pydantic/fields.py", line 436, in pydantic.fields.ModelField.__init__
File "pydantic/fields.py", line 552, in pydantic.fields.ModelField.prepare
File "pydantic/fields.py", line 668, in pydantic.fields.ModelField._type_analysis
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/typing.py", line 774, in __subclasscheck__
return issubclass(cls, self.__origin__)
TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
This error occurs when I attempt to start the server with gunicorn. The error seems to originate from /usr/src/ton-indexer/api/api_v1/schemas.py where MsgAddressInt class is defined.
I have tried to resolve this issue by verifying my Python environment and dependencies, but the issue persists.
Any assistance or guidance to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
I encountered an error while trying to start up the server. The error message is: TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class, and it appears to be related to Pydantic model configuration. Here are the details:
This error occurs when I attempt to start the server with gunicorn. The error seems to originate from /usr/src/ton-indexer/api/api_v1/schemas.py where MsgAddressInt class is defined.
I have tried to resolve this issue by verifying my Python environment and dependencies, but the issue persists.
Any assistance or guidance to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.