toneloc / stable-channels

p2p stable channels on the Bitcoin Lightning Network
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Add support for Cashu - Chaumian e-cash #4

Open toneloc opened 3 months ago

toneloc commented 3 months ago

Cashu Nutshell has direct CLN support, which could be used with Stable Channels.

The requirements for using Stable Channels with Cashu would be that:

  1. You'd be able to resize the position as you wish.
  2. You know in advance by how much the fiat-denominated balance will change when making or receiving a bitcoin-denominated payment / invoice

Requirement 1 could happen when we implement Positions as in Issue #2

Requirement 2 would just need to feed that data when appropriate.

Thanks @callebtc

toneloc commented 1 month ago

Gonna revisit this issue this week.

callebtc commented 1 month ago

If I may add one more detail to 2), the change of the USD balance must also include the transaction fee in USD, which may already be the case in your implementation.

Can the resizing of the position be done by paying / receiving a lightning invoice?