As a user of NerdFont glyphs and unicode escape sequences,
I want to see the glyphs for NerdFont codepoints in the hover tooltip
So that I can more easily read Oh-My-Posh templates (for example, see Agnoster in the oh-my-posh repo)
[ ] Add an extension setting to enable NerdFont support
[ ] Include mapping (names to codepoints) for NerdFont codepoints
[ ] Add markdown code block containing the unicode text (rendered in the editors default font - which is likely to be set to a NerdFont if you're working with NF codepoints)
As a user of NerdFont glyphs and unicode escape sequences, I want to see the glyphs for NerdFont codepoints in the hover tooltip So that I can more easily read Oh-My-Posh templates (for example, see Agnoster in the oh-my-posh repo)