Closed pangsmart closed 4 years ago
I have a new version of the smartapp coming out this week with a device debug that allows you to select a device and it will show all attributes, capabilities, commands, and last 30 events. So you can share that info with me so I can help build support. I will comment here when it's released.
Should be resolved in the new v2.1.0 I just pushed out.
Here is the device data and its attributes. The fridge contact sensor and temp is still showing incorrectly. Thanks.
{ "name": "Refrigerator", "basename": "Refrigerator", "deviceid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "status": "ACTIVE", "manufacturer": "Unknown", "model": "Samsung OCF Refrigerator", "deviceNetworkId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lastActivity": "2020-01-15T02:15:26+0000", "capabilities": [ "Contact Sensor", "Execute", "Filter Status", "Ocf", "Power Consumption Report", "Refresh", "Refrigeration", "Temperature Measurement", "custom.deodorFilter", "custom.deviceReportStateConfiguration", "custom.disabledCapabilities", "custom.dthVersion", "custom.error", "custom.waterFilter" ], "commands": [ "execute", "postOcfCommand", "printResources", "refresh", "resetDeodorFilter", "resetWaterFilter", "setDefrost", "setError", "setRapidCooling", "setRapidFreezing", "setReportStatePeriod", "setReportStateRealtime", "setReportStateRealtimePeriod" ], "customflags": [
"attributes": {
"contact": null,
"data": "{\"payload\":{\"id\":\"2\",\"\":\"CVRoom\",\"\":\"Close\"}}",
"defrost": null,
"deodorFilterCapacity": null,
"deodorFilterResetType": null,
"deodorFilterStatus": null,
"deodorFilterUsage": null,
"deodorFilterUsageStep": null,
"di": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"disabledCapabilities": null,
"dmv": "res.1.1.0,sh.1.1.0",
"error": null,
"filterStatus": null,
"iceStatus": null,
"icv": "core.1.1.0",
"mndt": null,
"mnfv": null,
"mnhw": null,
"mnml": null,
"mnmn": "Samsung Electronics",
"mnmo": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"mnos": null,
"mnpv": null,
"mnsl": null,
"n": "Refrigerator",
"pi": "shp",
"powerConsumption": null,
"rapidCooling": "Off",
"rapidFreezing": "Off",
"reportStatePeriod": null,
"reportStateRealtime": null,
"reportStateRealtimePeriod": null,
"st": null,
"temperature": null,
"versionNumber": 19112601,
"vid": "DA-REF-NORMAL-100001",
"waterFilterCapacity": null,
"waterFilterResetType": null,
"waterFilterStatus": null,
"waterFilterUsage": null,
"waterFilterUsageStep": null
"eventHistory": [
That's because the contact attribute on the device is set to null
Oh strange. It works fine when I click the tile in the app though.
Verify the following before opening an trouble issue
Go over all the following points, and put an
in all the boxes that apply. If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help!About Your Setup
Expected Behavior
Tell us what you think should be happening Homekit should reflect the state of fridge doors and the temperature of both the fridge and the freezer.
Current Behavior
What happens instead of the expected behavior? Fridge is stuck on open state and temperature is stuck at 0 degrees.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant
Add fridge according to instructions.
I am not able to check the state of my fridge (in case it is left open) or its temperature.
Please include a copy of any relevant log output to assist in tracking down the bug