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Heatit Z-Wave Thermostat is not showing up #216

Closed vincentblokker closed 6 years ago

vincentblokker commented 6 years ago

Heatit Z-Wave Thermostat is not showing up.

It is working in with the ST App.

mayhew132 commented 6 years ago

+1 here, the DTH can be found here:

VeniceNerd commented 6 years ago

Has this been solved for anyone? I’m desperately trying to figure out how to integrate HeatIt into HomeKit somehow!



mayhew132 commented 6 years ago

I've now resolved this - the capability "refresh" needs adding to the DTH, code below:

 *  Copyright 2016 AdamV
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * V0.9.3 20/09/2016
 * Changelog:
 * 0.9.3 - Corrected the energySaveHeat Command so that you can specifically activate this from CoRE rules
 * 0.9.2 - Fixed an issue preventing some commands being fired when they are not triggered from the DTH UI

 preferences {

            def myOptions = ["F - Floor temperature mode", "A - Room temperature mode", "AF - Room mode w/floor limitations", "A2 - Room temperature mode (external)", "P - Power regulator mode", "FP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation"]
            input "tempSen", 
            title: "Select Temperature Sensor Mode",
           // description: "F - Floor mode: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading \nA - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the internal sensor (Default) \nAF - Room mode w/floor limitations: Regulation is based on internal room sensor but limited by the floor temperature sensor (included) ensuring that the floor temperature stays within the given limits (FLo/FHi) \nA2 - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the external sensor \nP (Power regulator): Constant heating power is supplied to the floor. Power rating is selectable in 10% increments ( 0% - 100%) \nFP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading, but will always heat with a minimum power setting (PLo)",
            defaultValue: "A - Room temperature mode",
            required: true, 
            options: myOptions, 
            displayDuringSetup: false

            input title: "Explanation:", 
            description: "F - Floor mode: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading \nA - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the internal sensor (Default) \nAF - Room mode w/floor limitations: Regulation is based on internal room sensor but limited by the floor temperature sensor (included) ensuring that the floor temperature stays within the given limits (FLo/FHi) \nA2 - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the external sensor \nP (Power regulator): Constant heating power is supplied to the floor. Power rating is selectable in 10% increments ( 0% - 100%) \nFP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading, but will always heat with a minimum power setting (PLo)", 
            displayDuringSetup: false, 
            type: "paragraph", 
            element: "paragraph"

            input "FLo",
            range: "5..40",
            title: "FLo: Floor min limit",
            description: "Minimum Limit for floor sensor (5°-40°)",
            defaultValue: 5,
            required: false,
            displayDuringSetup: false

            input "FHi",
            range: "5..40",
            title: "FHi: Floor max limit",
            description: "Maximum Limit for floor sensor  (5°-40°)",
            defaultValue: 40,
            required: false,
            displayDuringSetup: false

            def sensOptions = ["10k ntc (Default)", "12k ntc", "15k ntc", "22k ntc", "33k ntc", "47k ntc"]
            input "sensorType", 
            title: "Select Floor Sensor Type",
            //description: "",
            defaultValue: "10k ntc (Default)",
            required: false, 
            options: sensOptions, 
            displayDuringSetup: false

            input "ALo",
            range: "5..40",
            title: "ALo: Air min limit",
            description: "Minimum Limit for Air sensor (5°-40°)",
            defaultValue: 5,
            required: false,
            displayDuringSetup: false

            input "AHi",
            range: "5..40",
            title: "AHi: Air max limit",
            description: "Maximum Limit for Air sensor  (5°-40°)",
            defaultValue: 40,
            required: false,
            displayDuringSetup: false

            input "PLo",
            range: "0..9",
            title: "PLo: FP-mode P setting",
            description: "FP-mode P setting (0 - 9)",
            defaultValue: 0,
            required: false,
            displayDuringSetup: false

            def pOptions = ["0%", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "100%"]
            input "PSet",
            //range: "0..100",
            title: "PSetting",
            description: "Power Regulator setting (0 - 100%)",
            defaultValue: "20%",
            required: false,
            options: pOptions,
            displayDuringSetup: false

def updated() {
    if (settings.tempSen == null) settings.tempSen = "A - Room temperature mode"
metadata {
    definition (name: "heatit Thermostat", namespace: "heatit", author: "AdamV") {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        //capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
        capability "Thermostat"
        capability "Thermostat Mode"
        capability "Thermostat Heating Setpoint"
        capability "Thermostat Setpoint"
        capability "Configuration"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Refresh"

        //attribute "thermostatFanState", "string"

        command "switchMode"
        command "energySaveHeat"
        //command "switchFanMode"
        //command "quickSetCool"
        command "quickSetHeat"
        command "quickSetecoHeat"
        command "pressUp"
        command "pressDown"

        fingerprint deviceId: "0x0806"
        fingerprint inClusters: "0x5E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x86, 0x40, 0x59, 0x85, 0x73, 0x72, 0x5A, 0x70"

    // simulator metadata
    simulator {
        status "off"            : "command: 4003, payload: 00"
        status "heat"           : "command: 4003, payload: 01"
        status "cool"           : "command: 4003, payload: 02"
        status "auto"           : "command: 4003, payload: 03"
        status "emergencyHeat"  : "command: 4003, payload: 04"

        status "fanAuto"        : "command: 4403, payload: 00"
        status "fanOn"          : "command: 4403, payload: 01"
        status "fanCirculate"   : "command: 4403, payload: 06"

        status "heat 60"        : "command: 4303, payload: 01 09 3C"
        status "heat 68"        : "command: 4303, payload: 01 09 44"
        status "heat 72"        : "command: 4303, payload: 01 09 48"

        status "cool 72"        : "command: 4303, payload: 02 09 48"
        status "cool 76"        : "command: 4303, payload: 02 09 4C"
        status "cool 80"        : "command: 4303, payload: 02 09 50"

        status "temp 58"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 02 44"
        status "temp 62"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 02 6C"
        status "temp 70"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 02 BC"
        status "temp 74"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 02 E4"
        status "temp 78"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 03 0C"
        status "temp 82"        : "command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 03 34"

        status "idle"           : "command: 4203, payload: 00"
        status "heating"        : "command: 4203, payload: 01"
        status "cooling"        : "command: 4203, payload: 02"
        status "fan only"       : "command: 4203, payload: 03"
        status "pending heat"   : "command: 4203, payload: 04"
        status "pending cool"   : "command: 4203, payload: 05"
        status "vent economizer": "command: 4203, payload: 06"

        // reply messages
        reply "2502": "command: 2503, payload: FF"

    tiles (scale: 2){

            multiAttributeTile(name:"thermostatMulti", type:"thermostat", width:6, height:4) {
            tileAttribute("device.temperature", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
            attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", action:"switchMode", icon:"st.Home.home1")

        /*  tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "VALUE_CONTROL") {
            attributeState "heat", action:"quickSetHeat"
            tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "VALUE_CONTROL") {
            attributeState("VALUE_UP", action: "pressUp")
            attributeState("VALUE_DOWN", action: "pressDown")
            //tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
            tileAttribute("device.tempSenseMode", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
            attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}', unit:"", icon:" ")
            //attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"°", icon:"st.Weather.weather2")

            tileAttribute("device.thermostatOperatingState", key: "OPERATING_STATE") {
            attributeState("idle", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
            attributeState("heating", backgroundColor:"#bc2323")
            attributeState("energySaveHeat", backgroundColor:"#ffa81e")
            tileAttribute("device.thermostatMode", key: "THERMOSTAT_MODE") {
            attributeState("off", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"heat")
            attributeState("heat", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"energy")
            attributeState("energySaveHeat", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"off")

            tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "HEATING_SETPOINT") {
            attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}')

        valueTile("temperature", "device.temperature", width: 2, height: 2) {
            state("temperature", label:'${currentValue}°',
                    [value: 31, color: "#153591"],
                    [value: 44, color: "#1e9cbb"],
                    [value: 59, color: "#90d2a7"],
                    [value: 74, color: "#44b621"],
                    [value: 84, color: "#f1d801"],
                    [value: 95, color: "#d04e00"],
                    [value: 96, color: "#bc2323"]


        valueTile("mode", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
            state "off", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"to_heat"
            state "heat", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"energySaveHeat"
            //state "cool", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"..."
            // state "auto", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"energySaveHeat"
            //state "emergency heat", label:'${name}', action:"switchMode", nextState:"energySaveHeat"
            //state "to_heat", label: "heat", action:"switchMode", nextState:"energySaveHeat"
            //state "to_cool", label: "cool", action:"switchMode", nextState:"..."
            state "energySaveHeat", label: "eco heat", action:"switchMode", nextState:"off"
        standardTile("fanMode", "device.thermostatFanMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
            state "fanAuto", label:'${name}', action:"switchFanMode"
            state "fanOn", label:'${name}', action:"switchFanMode"
            state "fanCirculate", label:'${name}', action:"switchFanMode"
        valueTile("heatLabel", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", height: 1, width: 4) {
            state "default", label:"Heat Set Point:" 
        controlTile("heatSliderControl", "device.heatingSetpoint", "slider", height: 1, width: 4, inactiveLabel: false, range: "(5..40)") {
            state "setHeatingSetpoint", action:"quickSetHeat", backgroundColor:"#d04e00"
     //   standardTile("blank", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", height: 2, width: 2) {
    //      state "default", label:"" 
    //  }
        valueTile("ecoLabel", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", height: 1, width: 4) {
            state "default", label:"Eco Mode Set Point:" 
        controlTile("ecoheatSliderControl", "device.ecoheatingSetpoint", "slider", height: 1, width: 4, inactiveLabel: false, range: "(5..40)") {
            state "setecoHeatingSetpoint", action:"quickSetecoHeat", backgroundColor:"#d04e00"
        valueTile("heatingSetpoint", "device.heatingSetpoint", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
            state "heat", label:'${currentValue}° heat', backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
        controlTile("coolSliderControl", "device.coolingSetpoint", "slider", height: 1, width: 2, inactiveLabel: false) {
            state "setCoolingSetpoint", action:"quickSetCool", backgroundColor: "#1e9cbb"
        valueTile("coolingSetpoint", "device.coolingSetpoint", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
            state "cool", label:'${currentValue}° cool', backgroundColor:"#ffffff"

        standardTile("refresh", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", height: 2, width: 2) {
            state "default", action:"polling.poll", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
        standardTile("configure", "device.configure", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", height: 2, width: 2) {
            state "configure", label:'', action:"configuration.configure", icon:"st.secondary.configure"

        main "thermostatMulti"
        details(["thermostatMulti", "mode", "heatLabel", "heatSliderControl", "refresh", "ecoLabel", "ecoheatSliderControl", "configure"])
def parse(String description) {
    def results = []
    // log.debug("RAW command: $description")
    if (description.startsWith("Err")) {
        log.debug("An error has occurred")
    else {

        def cmd = zwave.parse(description.replace("98C1", "9881"), [0x98: 1, 0x20: 1, 0x84: 1, 0x80: 1, 0x60: 3, 0x2B: 1, 0x26: 1])
        // log.debug "Parsed Command: $cmd"
        if (cmd) {
        results = zwaveEvent(cmd)
/*def parse(String description)
    def map = createEvent(zwaveEvent(zwave.parse(description, [0x42:1, 0x43:2, 0x31:3])))
    if (!map) {
        return null

    def result = [map]
    if (map.isStateChange && in ["heatingSetpoint","coolingSetpoint","thermostatMode"]) {
        def map2 = [
            name: "thermostatSetpoint",
            unit: getTemperatureScale()
        if ( == "thermostatMode") {
            state.lastTriedMode = map.value
            if (map.value == "cool") {
                map2.value = device.latestValue("coolingSetpoint")
       "THERMOSTAT, latest cooling setpoint = ${map2.value}"
            else {
                map2.value = device.latestValue("heatingSetpoint")
       "THERMOSTAT, latest heating setpoint = ${map2.value}"
        else {
            def mode = device.latestValue("thermostatMode")
   "THERMOSTAT, latest mode = ${mode}"
            if (( == "heatingSetpoint" && mode == "heat") || ( == "coolingSetpoint" && mode == "cool")) {
                map2.value = map.value
                map2.unit = map.unit
        if (map2.value != null) {
            log.debug "THERMOSTAT, adding setpoint event: $map"
            result << createEvent(map2)
    } else if ( == "thermostatFanMode" && map.isStateChange) {
        state.lastTriedFanMode = map.value
    log.debug "Parse returned $result"
// Event Generation
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatsetpointv2.ThermostatSetpointReport cmd)

    if (cmd.setpointType == 1){
        def heating = cmd.scaledValue
        sendEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: heating)
    if (cmd.setpointType == 2){
        def energyHeating = cmd.scaledValue
        sendEvent(name: "ecoHeatingSetpoint", value: energyHeating)
        state.ecoheatingSetpoint = energyHeating

   // log.debug(heatingSetpoint)
   // state.heatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint

    //def cmdScale = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
    /*def map = [:]
    map.value = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledValue, cmdScale, cmd.precision)
    map.unit = getTemperatureScale()
    map.displayed = false
    switch (cmd.setpointType) {
        case 1:
   = "heatingSetpoint"
        case 2:
   = "coolingSetpoint"
            return [:]
    // So we can respond with same format
    state.size = cmd.size
    state.scale = cmd.scale
    state.precision = cmd.precision

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv5.SensorMultilevelReport cmd){
    log.debug("Sensor report: $cmd")

    //def precision = cmd.precision / 10
    log.debug("Precision: $precision °C")
    if (cmd.scale == 0){
    log.debug("Scale is Celcius")
    log.debug("Air Temperature is: $cmd.scaledSensorValue °C")
    sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: cmd.scaledSensorValue) 

  /*  def map = [:]
    if (cmd.sensorType == 1) {
        map.value = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledSensorValue, cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C", cmd.precision)
        map.unit = getTemperatureScale() = "temperature"
    } else if (cmd.sensorType == 5) {
        map.value = cmd.scaledSensorValue
        map.unit = "%" = "humidity"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev2.ThermostatOperatingStateReport cmd)
    log.debug("operating rep: $cmd")
    def map = [:]
    switch (cmd.operatingState) {
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_IDLE:
            map.value = "idle"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_HEATING:
            map.value = "heating"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_COOLING:
            map.value = "cooling"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_FAN_ONLY:
            map.value = "fan only"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_PENDING_HEAT:
            map.value = "pending heat"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_PENDING_COOL:
            map.value = "pending cool"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport.OPERATING_STATE_VENT_ECONOMIZER:
            map.value = "vent economizer"
    } = "thermostatOperatingState"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanstatev1.ThermostatFanStateReport cmd) {
    def map = [name: "thermostatFanState", unit: ""]
    switch (cmd.fanOperatingState) {
        case 0:
            map.value = "idle"
        case 1:
            map.value = "running"
        case 2:
            map.value = "running high"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport cmd) {
    def map = [:]
    switch (cmd.mode) {
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_OFF:
            map.value = "off"
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "idle")
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_HEAT:
            map.value = "heat"
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "heating")
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_AUXILIARY_HEAT:
            map.value = "emergency heat"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_COOL:
            map.value = "cool"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_AUTO:
            map.value = "auto"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport.MODE_ENERGY_SAVE_HEAT:
            map.value = "energySaveHeat"
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "energySaveHeat")
    } = "thermostatMode"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev3.ThermostatFanModeReport cmd) {
    def map = [:]
    switch (cmd.fanMode) {
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev3.ThermostatFanModeReport.FAN_MODE_AUTO_LOW:
            map.value = "fanAuto"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev3.ThermostatFanModeReport.FAN_MODE_LOW:
            map.value = "fanOn"
        case physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev3.ThermostatFanModeReport.FAN_MODE_CIRCULATION:
            map.value = "fanCirculate"
    } = "thermostatFanMode"
    map.displayed = false

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeSupportedReport cmd) {
    log.debug("support reprt: $cmd")
    def supportedModes = ""
    if( { supportedModes += "off " }
    if(cmd.heat) { supportedModes += "heat " }
    if(cmd.auxiliaryemergencyHeat) { supportedModes += "emergency heat " }
    if( { supportedModes += "cool " }
    if( { supportedModes += "auto " }
    if(cmd.energySaveHeat) { supportedModes += "energySaveHeat " }

    state.supportedModes = supportedModes

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd) {

    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 1){
        if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 0]){
            log.debug("Current Mode is Off")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "off")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "idle")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 1]){
            log.debug("Current Mode is Heat")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "heat")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "heating")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 2]){
            log.debug("Current Mode is Cool")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 11]){
            log.debug("Current Mode is Energy Save Heat")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "energySaveHeat")
            sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "energySaveHeat")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 2){
        if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 0]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor F - Floor mode: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "F")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 1]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor A - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the internal sensor (Default)")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "A")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 2]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor AF - Room mode w/floor limitations: Regulation is based on internal room sensor but limited by the floor temperature sensor (included) ensuring that the floor temperature stays within the given limits (FLo/FHi")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "AF")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 3]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor 2 - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the external sensor")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "A2")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 4]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor P (Power regulator): Constant heating power is supplied to the floor. Power rating is selectable in 10% increments ( 0% - 100%)")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "P")
         else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 5]){
            log.debug("Temperature Sensor FP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading, but will always heat with a minimum power setting (PLo)")
            sendEvent(name: "tempSenseMode", value: "FP")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 3){
        if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 0]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 10k ntc (Default)")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 1]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 12k ntc")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 2]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 15k ntc")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 3]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 22k ntc")
        else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 4]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 33k ntc")
         else if (cmd.configurationValue == [0, 5]){
            log.debug("Floor sensor type 47k ntc")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 4){

       def val = cmd.configurationValue[1]
       def diff = val / 10
       def newHys = 0.2 + diff
       log.debug("DIFF l. Temperature control Hysteresis is $newHys °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 5){

        def valX = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX, valY)

       //log.debug("the command is: $cmd")
       log.debug("FLo: Floor min limit is $diff °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 6){

        def valX1 = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY1 = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX1, valY1)
      // def val = cmd.configurationValue[1]
      // def diff = val / 10
       log.debug("FHi: Floor max limit is $diff °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 7){

        def valX = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX, valY)
       log.debug("ALo: Air min limit is $diff °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 8){

        def valX1 = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY1 = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX1, valY1)
       log.debug("AHi: Air max limit is $diff °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 9){

       def val = cmd.configurationValue[1]
       log.debug("PLo: Min temperature in Power Reg Mode is $val °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 10){

        def valX = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX, valY)
       log.debug("CO mode setpoint is $diff °C")
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 11){

        def valX = cmd.configurationValue[0]
        def valY = cmd.configurationValue[1]
        def diff = binaryToDegrees(valX, valY)
       log.debug("ECO mode setpoint is $diff °C")
       sendEvent(name: "ecoheatingSetpoint", value: diff)
    if (cmd.parameterNumber == 12){

       def val = cmd.configurationValue[0]
       def diff = val * 10
       log.debug("P (Power regulator) is $diff %")

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev3.ThermostatFanModeSupportedReport cmd) {
    def supportedFanModes = ""
    if( { supportedFanModes += "fanAuto " }
    if(cmd.low) { supportedFanModes += "fanOn " }
    if(cmd.circulation) { supportedFanModes += "fanCirculate " }
    state.supportedFanModes = supportedFanModes
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd) {
    log.debug "Basic Zwave event received: $cmd.payload"

/*def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
    log.warn "Unexpected zwave command $cmd"
// Command Implementations

def pressUp(){
    log.debug("pressed Up")
    def currTemp = device.latestValue("heatingSetpoint")
    log.debug(" pressed up currently $currTemp")
    def newTemp = currTemp + 0.5
    log.debug(" pressed up new temp is $newTemp")

def pressDown(){
    log.debug("pressed Down")
    def currTemp = device.latestValue("heatingSetpoint")
    def newTemp = currTemp - 0.5
def quickSetHeat(upDown) {
    def change = upDown
    def latest = device.latestValue("heatingSetpoint")

   if (change == 1) {
        def newSetPoint = latest + 1
        log.debug("New Set Point: $newSetPoint")
        state.setPoint = newSetPoint
        log.debug("New State Set Point: $state.setPoint")
        setHeatingSetpoint(newSetPoint, 1000)
    else if (change == 0) {
        def newSetPoint = latest - 1
        log.debug("New Set Point: $newSetPoint")
        state.setPoint = newSetPoint
        log.debug("New State Set Point: $state.setPoint")
        setHeatingSetpoint(newSetPoint, 1000)
    //setHeatingSetpoint(degrees, 1000)
    // log.debug("Degrees at quicksetheat: $degrees")
def quickSetHeat(degrees) {

    setHeatingSetpoint(degrees, 1000)

def setHeatingSetpoint(degrees, delay = 30000) {
    setHeatingSetpoint(degrees.toDouble(), delay)

def setHeatingSetpoint(Double degrees, Integer delay = 30000) {
    log.trace "setHeatingSetpoint($degrees, $delay)"
    def deviceScale = state.scale ?: 1
    def deviceScaleString = deviceScale == 2 ? "C" : "F"
    def locationScale = getTemperatureScale()
    def p = (state.precision == null) ? 1 : state.precision

    def convertedDegrees
    //if (locationScale == "C" && deviceScaleString == "F") {
    //  convertedDegrees = celsiusToFahrenheit(degrees)
    //} else if (locationScale == "F" && deviceScaleString == "C") {
        convertedDegrees = fahrenheitToCelsius(degrees)
    //} else {
        convertedDegrees = degrees

        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointSet(setpointType: 1, scale: deviceScale, precision: p, scaledValue: convertedDegrees).format(),
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1).format()
    ], delay)

def quickSetecoHeat(degrees) {

    setecoHeatingSetpoint(degrees, 1000)

def setecoHeatingSetpoint(degrees, delay = 30000) {
    setecoHeatingSetpoint(degrees.toDouble(), delay)

def setecoHeatingSetpoint(Double degrees, Integer delay = 30000) {
    log.trace "setecoHeatingSetpoint($degrees, $delay)"
    def deviceScale = state.scale ?: 1
    def deviceScaleString = deviceScale == 2 ? "C" : "F"
    def locationScale = getTemperatureScale()
    def p = (state.precision == null) ? 1 : state.precision

    def convertedDegrees
    //if (locationScale == "C" && deviceScaleString == "F") {
    //  convertedDegrees = celsiusToFahrenheit(degrees)
    //} else if (locationScale == "F" && deviceScaleString == "C") {
        convertedDegrees = fahrenheitToCelsius(degrees)
    //} else {
        convertedDegrees = degrees

        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointSet(setpointType: 11, scale: deviceScale, precision: p, scaledValue: convertedDegrees).format(),
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11).format()
    ], delay)

def quickSetCool(degrees) {
    setCoolingSetpoint(degrees, 1000)
def setCoolingSetpoint(degrees, delay = 30000) {
    setCoolingSetpoint(degrees.toDouble(), delay)
def setCoolingSetpoint(Double degrees, Integer delay = 30000) {
    log.trace "setCoolingSetpoint($degrees, $delay)"
    def deviceScale = state.scale ?: 1
    def deviceScaleString = deviceScale == 2 ? "C" : "F"
    def locationScale = getTemperatureScale()
    def p = (state.precision == null) ? 1 : state.precision
    def convertedDegrees
    if (locationScale == "C" && deviceScaleString == "F") {
        convertedDegrees = celsiusToFahrenheit(degrees)
    } else if (locationScale == "F" && deviceScaleString == "C") {
        convertedDegrees = fahrenheitToCelsius(degrees)
    } else {
        convertedDegrees = degrees
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointSet(setpointType: 2, scale: deviceScale, precision: p,  scaledValue: convertedDegrees).format(),
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 2).format()
    ], delay)

def poll() {
        zwave.sensorMultilevelV5.sensorMultilevelGet().format(), // current temperature
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1).format(),
        zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 1).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 3).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 4).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 5).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 6).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 7).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 8).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 9).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 10).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 11).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 12).format()

        // zwave.basicV1.basicGet().format(),
        // zwave.thermostatOperatingStateV2.thermostatOperatingStateGet().format()
    ], 650)

def configure() {

    def floorMinY = 0
    def floorMinX = 0
    def floorMin = 0
    if (FLo){
        floorMin = FLo
        if (floorMin <= 25.5){
            floorMinX = 0
            floorMinY = floorMin*10
        else if (floorMin > 25.5){
            floorMinX = 1
            floorMinY = floorMin*10 - 256
    def floorMax = 0
    def floorMaxY = 0
    def floorMaxX = 0
    if (FHi){
            floorMax = FHi
            if (floorMax <= 25.5){
            floorMaxX = 0
            floorMaxY = floorMax*10
        else if (floorMax > 25.5){
            floorMaxX = 1
            floorMaxY = floorMax*10 - 256
    def AirMin = 0
    def AirMinY = 0
    def AirMinX = 0
    if (ALo){
            AirMin = ALo
            if (AirMin <= 25.5){
            AirMinX = 0
            AirMinY = AirMin*10
        else if (AirMin > 25.5){
            AirMinX = 1
            AirMinY = AirMin*10 - 256
    def AirMax = 0
    def AirMaxY = 0
    def AirMaxX = 0
    if (AHi){
            AirMax = AHi
            if (AirMax <= 25.5){
            AirMaxX = 0
            AirMaxY = AirMax*10
        else if (AirMax > 25.5){
            AirMaxX = 1
            AirMaxY = AirMax*10 - 256
    def tempSensorMode = ""
    def tempModeParam = 1
    if (tempSen){
    tempSensorMode = tempSen
        if (tempSensorMode == "F - Floor temperature mode"){
        tempModeParam = 0
        if (tempSensorMode == "A - Room temperature mode"){
        tempModeParam = 1
        if (tempSensorMode == "AF - Room mode w/floor limitations"){
        tempModeParam = 2
        if (tempSensorMode == "A2 - Room temperature mode (external)"){
        tempModeParam = 3
        if (tempSensorMode == "P - Power regulator mode"){
        tempModeParam = 4
        if (tempSensorMode == "FP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation"){
        tempModeParam = 5
    def floorSensor = ""
    def floorSensParam = 0
        if (sensorType){
        floorSensor = sensorType
            if (floorSensor == "10k ntc (Default)"){
            floorSensParam = 0
            if (floorSensor == "12k ntc"){
            floorSensParam = 1
            if (floorSensor == "15k ntc"){
            floorSensParam = 2
            if (floorSensor == "22k ntc"){
            floorSensParam = 3
            if (floorSensor == "33k ntc"){
            floorSensParam = 4
            if (floorSensor == "47k ntc"){
            floorSensParam = 5
    def powerLo = 0
        if (PLo){
            powerLo = PLo  
    def powerSet = 0
    def powerSetPer = ""
        if (PSet){
        powerSetPer = PSet
            if (powerSetPer == "0%"){
            powerSet = 0
            if (powerSetPer == "10%"){
            powerSet = 1
            if (powerSetPer == "20%"){
            powerSet = 2
            if (powerSetPer == "30%"){
            powerSet = 3
            log.debug("powerset 3")
            if (powerSetPer == "40%"){
            powerSet = 4
            if (powerSetPer == "50%"){
            powerSet = 5
            if (powerSetPer == "60%"){
            powerSet = 6
            if (powerSetPer == "70%"){
            powerSet = 7
            if (powerSetPer == "80%"){
            powerSet = 8
            if (powerSetPer == "90%"){
            powerSet = 9
            if (powerSetPer == "100%"){
            powerSet = 10
        // DO LIKE LIST INSTEAD 0, 10, 20, 30 etc so no issues powerSetRound = Math.floor(powerSet)
        // log.debug("floor: $powerSetRound")

        zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:[zwaveHubNodeId]).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [0, tempModeParam], parameterNumber: 2, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [0, floorSensParam], parameterNumber: 3, size: 2).format(),
       // zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [0, 0], parameterNumber: 3, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [floorMinX, floorMinY], parameterNumber: 5, size: 2).format(),
        //zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [0, 50], parameterNumber: 5, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [floorMaxX, floorMaxY], parameterNumber: 6, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [AirMinX, AirMinY], parameterNumber: 7, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [AirMaxX, AirMaxY], parameterNumber: 8, size: 2).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [powerLo], parameterNumber: 9, size: 1).format(),
        zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [powerSet], parameterNumber: 12, size: 1).format(),//zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [1, 144], parameterNumber: 6, size: 2).format(),
        //zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [1, 144], parameterNumber: 6, size: 2).format(),
    ], 650)


def modes() {
    ["off", "heat", "energySaveHeat"]

def binaryToDegrees(x, y) {
    def degrees = 0
    def preDegrees = 0
    if (x == 0){
        degrees = y / 10
    else if (x == 1){
        preDegrees = y + 256
        degrees = preDegrees / 10

    return degrees

def switchMode() {

    def currentMode = device.currentState("thermostatMode")?.value
  /*    def lastTriedMode = state.lastTriedMode ?: currentMode ?: "off"
    def supportedModes = getDataByName("supportedModes")
    def modeOrder = modes()
    def next = { modeOrder[modeOrder.indexOf(it) + 1] ?: modeOrder[0] }
    def nextMode = next(lastTriedMode)
    if (supportedModes?.contains(currentMode)) {
        while (!supportedModes.contains(nextMode) && nextMode != "off") {
            nextMode = next(nextMode)
   // log.debug("currentMode is $currentMode")
    if (currentMode == "off"){
        def nextMode = "heat"
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "heat")
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "heating")
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 1).format(),
    ], 650)
    else if (currentMode == "heat"){
        def nextMode = "energySaveHeat"
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "energySaveHeat")
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "energySaveHeat")
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 11).format(),
    ], 650)
    else if (currentMode == "energySaveHeat"){
        def nextMode = "off"
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "off")
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "idle")
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 0).format(),
    ], 650)

    //state.lastTriedMode = nextMode

        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: modeMap[nextMode]).format(),
    ], 1000)*/

def switchToMode(nextMode) {
    def supportedModes = getDataByName("supportedModes")
    if(supportedModes && !supportedModes.contains(nextMode)) log.warn "thermostat mode '$nextMode' is not supported"
    if (nextMode in modes()) {
        state.lastTriedMode = nextMode
    } else {
        log.debug("no mode method '$nextMode'")
def switchFanMode() {
    def currentMode = device.currentState("thermostatFanMode")?.value
    def lastTriedMode = state.lastTriedFanMode ?: currentMode ?: "off"
    def supportedModes = getDataByName("supportedFanModes") ?: "fanAuto fanOn"
    def modeOrder = ["fanAuto", "fanCirculate", "fanOn"]
    def next = { modeOrder[modeOrder.indexOf(it) + 1] ?: modeOrder[0] }
    def nextMode = next(lastTriedMode)
    while (!supportedModes?.contains(nextMode) && nextMode != "fanAuto") {
        nextMode = next(nextMode)
def switchToFanMode(nextMode) {
    def supportedFanModes = getDataByName("supportedFanModes")
    if(supportedFanModes && !supportedFanModes.contains(nextMode)) log.warn "thermostat mode '$nextMode' is not supported"
    def returnCommand
    if (nextMode == "fanAuto") {
        returnCommand = fanAuto()
    } else if (nextMode == "fanOn") {
        returnCommand = fanOn()
    } else if (nextMode == "fanCirculate") {
        returnCommand = fanCirculate()
    } else {
        log.debug("no fan mode '$nextMode'")
    if(returnCommand) state.lastTriedFanMode = nextMode
def getDataByName(String name) {
    state[name] ?: device.getDataValue(name)

def getModeMap() { [
    "off": 0,
    "heat": 1,
    "energySaveHeat": 11

def setThermostatMode(String value) {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: modeMap[value]).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def getFanModeMap() { [
    "auto": 0,
    "on": 1,
    "circulate": 6
def setThermostatFanMode(String value) {
        zwave.thermostatFanModeV3.thermostatFanModeSet(fanMode: fanModeMap[value]).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def off() {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 0).format(),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "off"),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "idle"),
    ], 650)


def heat() {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 1).format(),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "heat"),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "heating"),
    ], 650)

def energySaveHeat() {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 11).format(),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "energySaveHeat"),
        sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "energySaveHeat"),
    ], 650)
def cool() {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 2).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def auto() {
        zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 3).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def fanOn() {
        zwave.thermostatFanModeV3.thermostatFanModeSet(fanMode: 1).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def fanAuto() {
        zwave.thermostatFanModeV3.thermostatFanModeSet(fanMode: 0).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
def fanCirculate() {
        zwave.thermostatFanModeV3.thermostatFanModeSet(fanMode: 6).format(),
    ], standardDelay)
private getStandardDelay() {
vincentblokker commented 6 years ago

Working! Great Job ;) Thank you @mayhew132

mayhew132 commented 6 years ago

You're welcome 👍

axelra82 commented 5 years ago

This was the only post I could find on the heatit floor heating thermostat. I'd love to get some further understanding on how to get it set up properly in homebridge. I'm using a Telldus ZNet lite v2 (433 and zwave).

I can see that this is an old post, but can't really find anything for the setup I have.

mayhew132 commented 5 years ago

Hi Alex,

The way I have mine exposed to HomeBridge is by having it paired to my SmartThings Hub which has the SmartThings-HomeBridge plugin installed, this allows me to add the HeatIt Thermostat as a device (using the modified Device Type Handler - DTH) posted above.

Hope that helps!