tonesto7 / homebridge-smartthings

SmartThings Homebridge Plugin
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#250 exclude capabilities #282

Closed JangoBritt closed 4 years ago

JangoBritt commented 5 years ago

Having read the new config.json example for exclude_capabilities, I'm still not 100% certain how to get it running.

what do we enter in SmartThings_Device-ID? is that the Name of the device, or the hexadecimal ID found in homebridge.log?

Where can we find the full list of Capabilities?

For example, I have SmartThings Power sockets, which present as a Switch, and as a "Power Point"

TubadoG commented 5 years ago

Did you get this figured out, I'm having a similar problem with a SmartThings button that is showing as a temperature device.

pdlove commented 5 years ago

It should be the hexadecimal ID found in homebridge.log. The capabilities list is a bit more complicated. The complete list of capabilities in Smartthings is here: But not all of them are supported by HomeKit. Homebridge-Smartthings attempts to map everything that can map but unfortunately Apple's Home app really sucks and displays each accessory with a different entry for every service/capability it has. The redesign I'm working on provides much more granularity and end-user control. I'm currently working on having the new model update in realtime and then I'm going to make a simple configuration tool to allow tweaking how specific devices map or not.

TubadoG commented 5 years ago

Thanks @pdlove - I'm using systemd to run the service on startup so I don't think I've got a homebridge.log - I'll see if I can get the ID from journalctl -f -u homebridge somehow - or perhaps I'm misunderstanding.
In either event, your current project sounds exciting! I've been struggling to get some SmartThings buttons to work with HomeKit, if I understand correctly, its partially because of how HomeKit implements "buttons" and/or stateless switch.. Pain in the butt really.

dwaram983 commented 5 years ago

I'm also having an issue with this and not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have a SmartThings Outlet and it shows up as both a Switch and an Outlet in HomeKit. I have added the following, but see no changes in HomeKit?

"excluded_capabilities": { "DEVICE-ID" : [ "Switch", "Power Meter", "Sensor", "Actuator", "Health Check", "Outlet" ] }

Please help. Any other examples available?