tonesto7 / homebridge-smartthings

SmartThings Homebridge Plugin
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Statuses are outdated now. #426

Closed evlnte closed 3 years ago

evlnte commented 3 years ago

Verify the following before opening an trouble issue

Go over all the following points, and put an x in all the boxes that apply. If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help!

About Your Setup

Node.js Version | v14.16.0 NPM Version v6.14.11

Expected Behavior

Tell us what you think should be happening Not sure when this started, but the device statuses are stale. I make a change in SmartThings and nothing updates in Homekit. I update something in Homekit and it DOES change SmartThings. If HomeKit has a light as on, but it is truly off, toggling Homekit from "Off" to "On" does nothing in SmartThings. But turning it off in Homekit does turn it off in SmartThings. It is as if info is going only from Home to SmartThings but not the reverse.

Current Behavior

What happens instead of the expected behavior? Upon first install, it seems everything was just perfect. Don't know what made it all go one-directional. I changed one Device type in SmartThings that was misclassified as a standard z-wave switch into a Z-Wave Switch with Motion Sensor. Then I installed a Tesla plugin which says it slows the server, but it all seemed fine for a while.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant

  1. I turn on a light in SmartThings and often either doesn't update or takes 5 or more minutes.


How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? I can't trust the Home status of devices. I have to go back to Smartthings to see true state. Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world**

Please include a copy of any relevant log output to assist in tracking down the bug

[4/1/2021, 8:25:51 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Sending Device Command: off | Name: (Breakfast Table) | DeviceID: (------------------------------------) | SendToLocalHub: (false) [4/1/2021, 8:26:30 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Sending Device Command: off | Name: (Kitchen Light) | DeviceID: (--------------------------------------) | SendToLocalHub: (false) [4/1/2021, 8:27:35 am] [SmartThings-v2] GOOD: Refreshing All Device Data [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Temperature Unit is Now: (F) [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Updating Global Values | HubIP: | UseLocal: false [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] WARN: Devices to Remove: (0) [] [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] INFO: Devices to Update: (31) [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] GOOD: Devices to Create: (0) [] [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] ALERT: Total Initialization Time: (1 seconds) [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Unknown Capabilities: ["Three Axis","Zw Multichannel"] [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] INFO: SmartThings DeviceCache Size: (31) [4/1/2021, 8:27:36 am] [SmartThings-v2] INFO: Checking Package Version for Updates... [4/1/2021, 8:27:38 am] [SmartThings-v2] INFO: INFO: Your plugin version is up-to-date [4/1/2021, 8:27:38 am] [SmartThings-v2] NOTICE: Sending Plugin Status to SmartThings | UpdateAvailable: false

evlnte commented 3 years ago

Disabling the Tesla plugin had no impact.

evlnte commented 3 years ago

Nevermind. Total user error. I entered the wrong IP address in the config. Should have just left it blank as the instructions say.