tonik / theme

Tonik is a WordPress Starter Theme which aims to modernize, organize and enhance some aspects of WordPress theme development.
MIT License
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Can you share basic examples of websites based on Tonik theme starter? #80

Open mherda opened 5 years ago

mherda commented 5 years ago

Hi, Although Tonik documentation is good, it's would be useful to have more examples of code to study.

Can anyone post some more examples of basic themes created in Tonik so I can get better understanding how things are done. I have been studying Tonik's default theme code + documentation but a lot of things are not clear to me. For me, and I guess a lot of users, the best way of learning is studying the code/changing things, etc.

I have been using Understrap for the last year but obviously Tonik has a completely different approach so I'm feeling a bit lost.

Thank you.

mherda commented 5 years ago

Come on guys.... nobody?

gbarrow85 commented 5 years ago

I too have only just picked this project up and would love some more examples such as woocommerce integration. I'm kinder just figuring it out as I go. I think the repo may be dead or on hold.

sushidub commented 5 years ago

Repo not dead. Take a look at the release cycles, the documentation, get into the code base, run npm run development until webpack is successful you'll find the repo is ready to roll as your own. IMHO Tonik is as complete as any of the other good dev starters when first released.

What it def could use now is more folks like yourselves willing to build in the bits of integration you're wanting to come across.

I think of Tonik as on par with the other dev centric polished WP starter themes out there (e.g., Roots, Flynt, etc.) with differences that boil down to workflow and maybe build nuance. Obviously the one larger exception is that Tonik doesn't have a mature user base and community yet. Depending on what you're after that aspect can be a pro or con. For me its a pro since nobody's dictating how to do shit. Whereas repos like Roots seem to have so many options from the community its easy and tempting to get sucked into doing things in ways that may not be as practical for my specific requirement. So maybe that's why we're here right now ? ;-)

btw - not sure it would of help but my own initial fork and scrub is here.

Once I'm done with the actual site I'm using Tonik for currently I will post an update. Unfortunately I have to wait on the official Gutenburg release before I can put it into production.

mherda commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot. I'll look at your repos. Much appreciated. What might be good for experienced users is a stopping point for those with less knowledge.

multiplehats commented 5 years ago

I'm somewhat of a "rookie" too, but I'll post my production site here too later so that we can slowly build a "build with Tonik" library :)

rybkowskigrzegorz commented 5 years ago

@chrisschwartze did you mean the whole source-code or page that are currently live and was made with tonik-theme?

multiplehats commented 5 years ago

@GrzegorzRybkowski probably not the source-code, but definitely the page. Now that you ask it, not sure how valuable an actual page is...