tonini / alchemist.el

Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
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alchemist-help-search-at-point on macros defined in test cases #335

Open goughjt opened 6 years ago

goughjt commented 6 years ago


I am using Alchemist with Spacemacs (dev branch) to make Phoenix apps.

In a default auto-generated phoenix app with a default auto-generated channel, I have a room_channel_test.exs file containing this line:

  use MyAppWeb.ChannelCase

In the channel_case.ex file, I have:

  using do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.ChannelTest

and so I can use ChannelTest macros like socket/1 in room_channel_test.exs, since it "uses" the ChannelCase module.

However, when I do alchemist-help-search-at-point on socket in room_channel_test.exs there is no response. Nothing happens.

I can make alchemist-help-search-at-point work on socket in room_channel_test.exs if I write:

use Phoenix.ChannelTest

at the top.

Is there some way to make alchemist "see" the modules being used in TestCases? Is this an insurmountable limitation of alchemist?

Here are two gists to illustrate the problem: