tonini / alchemist.el

Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
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goto definition brings "Visit tags table" quickfix in Spacemacs #338

Open strayer opened 6 years ago

strayer commented 6 years ago


I'm trying out Spacemacs for Elixir development right now and experience this issue:

Every time I try to jump to the definition of a function in another module the "Visit tags table" pops up. To quote @svileng (reporter of linked issue):

Previously (not sure which version I had, sadly) pressing SPC m g g would just navigate to the function in whichever Elixir module it is, simple as that, nothing else.

Currently, the same shortcut also brings the Quickfix bottom window with the following text, expecting some input:

Visit tags table (default TAGS): ~/Development/.....

which just stays there, even after I do SPC m , to go back. The only way to get rid of it is to do SPC w j + Ctrl g, but If I try to Ctrl g while I'm looking at the newly opened buffer, this closes the buffer as well.

I'd love to help debug this issue, but I'm still very inexperienced with emacs.

Alchemist version: 1.8.2 (package: 20171029.2307)

svileng commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy to provide details as well to help identifying the issue.

As a workaround, I've been using the dumb-jump-go package instead of Alchemist's go to definition.