tonistiigi / styler

CSS/Stylus live editor
MIT License
133 stars 9 forks source link

Support for SASS and LESS #11

Open tonistiigi opened 11 years ago

tonistiigi commented 11 years ago

Styler doesn't support SASS and LESS at the moment and I'm not going to add them because I'm not using them myself.

But I would accept them into Styler if someone else is willing to maintain them. I'm also willing to help out during the porting process.

Support for Stylus is built in way that allows other languages to be added later. Compilation step is really easy. Editor part is harder but nothing what a few hacks wouldn't solve. Things like syntax highlighting are already supported by the Ace project. Completions are mostly independent from the language you just need to define if you are in a selector or property position.