Thank you for your submission. I wanted provide some early feedback.
Design Guidelines: Think of this as a "metrics or statistics presentation" page - not a social / marketplace feed.
No need for text in the Overview box. A simple link to will suffice.
Think General to specific regarding the information presented. Start with general information about the cryptocurrency: Current Price / % increase or decrease, Market Cap, 24 hr volume. No need for "Rank" as that depends on the service you are pulling that from. Provide options to change the time scale for the data (e.g. 24hr, 7 days, 1 month, All Time)
Present statistics on Network Health. For example: # of Validators, # of Delegators (unique wallets), # of tokens. Provide options to change the time scale to show change and different visualizations (graphs, pie/donut charts, etc).
Present statistics on decentralized applications (dapps). For example: # of deployed dapps, # of on-chain transactions, # of accounts. Allow for a deep dive. (i.e. click on "All Dapps --> goes to a specific dapp --> sees individual dapp stats --> able to see change over time of relevant stats).
Present stats on On-boarding. For example: # of fiat on-ramps, # of exchanges, # of wallets
Now you can go a little more specific on applications - starting with economical applications. For example:
Bridges - using statistics around transactions, total value locked, # of assets.
Coin swaps - i.e. Viper, Mochi, Openswap, Uniswap, Sushi, Pancake. looking at statists like # of transaction, total value locked.
Marketplaces - for example - DaVinci. Showing stats like # of sales (and value), # of NFTs on sale, # of unique artists, highest purchase price, average purchase price.
Wallets - OneWallet, Trust Wallet, Blits wallet, ets -- showing downloads, # of reviews, average star rating.
Now you can dig into some of the community statistics
Twitter: Followers, Tweets, Impressions
Reddit: Followers
Discord: members, messages, etc
Youtube: Views, Subscribers
Facebook: Reach, Likes, Follows
Telegram: Messages, Members
And now get a little into the technical side:
Github: forks, stars, issues
Gitcoin: Open bounties, Paid Bounties, Members
Now a few things more focused on the business side
Website: visit duration, bounce rate, sessions
Newsletters: Deliveries, Opens, Clicks
DAOs: Total Number, Assets under management, # of Members, # of votes, total spend
As a reminder - this is a page that visualizes this data and allows visitors to dig into the growth / performance metrics of the organization and project.
Thanks for your help so far! This is coming together.
Thank you for your submission. I wanted provide some early feedback.
Design Guidelines: Think of this as a "metrics or statistics presentation" page - not a social / marketplace feed. No need for text in the Overview box. A simple link to will suffice. Think General to specific regarding the information presented. Start with general information about the cryptocurrency: Current Price / % increase or decrease, Market Cap, 24 hr volume. No need for "Rank" as that depends on the service you are pulling that from. Provide options to change the time scale for the data (e.g. 24hr, 7 days, 1 month, All Time)
Now you can go a little more specific on applications - starting with economical applications. For example:
Now you can dig into some of the community statistics
And now get a little into the technical side:
Now a few things more focused on the business side
As a reminder - this is a page that visualizes this data and allows visitors to dig into the growth / performance metrics of the organization and project. Thanks for your help so far! This is coming together.