automatically inject the natvis.xml of Qt into existing launch.json entries.
自動注入 Qt 的 natvis.xml 到現有的 launch.json 項目。
Qttools: Loglevel
set the loglevel.
Qttools: Search Mode
Qt search mode.
Qt 搜索模式。
Search Qt based on cmake. The cmake project needs to be configured before Qt can be found.
基於 CMake 搜索 Qt。必須先設定好 CMake 專案才能夠找到 Qt。
Search Qt in the PATH variable.
在 PATH 變數中搜索 Qt。
Qttools: Use External Browser
use external browser for online help.
Qttools: Visualizer File
filepath or url to a natvis.xml file which will be used instead of the bundled one. You can use f.e. when you want to use the file from Qt Visual Studio tools
I translate the followings in "zh-tw(cht)" locale.
Right Click Menu
Qttools: Creator
Qttools: Extra Directories
Qttools: Inject Natives File
Qttools: Loglevel
Qttools: Search Mode
Qttools: Use External Browser
Qttools: Visualizer File
when you want to use the file from Qt Visual Studio tools