tonkeeper / opentonapi

Opentonapi simplifies development of TON-based applications and provides an API centered around high-level concepts like Jettons, NFTs and so on keeping a way to access low-level details.
MIT License
192 stars 58 forks source link

Evilwa1:patch-1 #415

Open Evilwa1 opened 1 month ago

Evilwa1 commented 1 month ago
        - name: Setup .NET Core SDK

uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4.0.1 with:

Optional SDK version(s) to use. If not provided, will install global.json version when available. Examples: 2.2.104, 3.1, 3.1.x, 3.x, 6.0.2xx

dotnet-version: # optional
# Optional quality of the build. The possible values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, ga.
dotnet-quality: # optional
# Optional global.json location, if your global.json isn't located in the root of the repo.
global-json-file: # optional
# Optional package source for which to set up authentication. Will consult any existing NuGet.config in the root of the repo and provide a temporary NuGet.config using the NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable as a ClearTextPassword
source-url: # optional
# Optional OWNER for using packages from GitHub Package Registry organizations/users other than the current repository's owner. Only used if a GPR URL is also provided in source-url
owner: # optional
# Optional NuGet.config location, if your NuGet.config isn't located in the root of the repo.
config-file: # optional
# Optional input to enable caching of the NuGet global-packages folder
cache: # optional
# Used to specify the path to a dependency file: packages.lock.json. Supports wildcards or a list of file names for caching multiple dependencies.
cache-dependency-path: # optional
Evilwa1 commented 1 month ago

signature: 92c357bd88601d49d892b67fea205f8ff32c4b4f94086f21f89d9c2e1b7114a672c7984a0814d8f36f385d8f5260bf7a5f1a72c8f0d9af1fb103d58a8dd0a507 msg: subwallet_id: 1 message_to_send: sum_type: MessageInternal message_internal: ihr_disabled: true bounce: false bounced: false src: "" dest: 0:cd0ff2602442005875b196f5ce60827252b7fd89d5552153c97e2cc291abcb3c value: grams: "50000000" other: {} ihr_fee: "0" fwd_fee: "0" created_lt: 0 created_at: 0 init: null body: is_right: true value: sum_type: JettonTransfer op_code: 260734629 value: query_id: 6519630 amount: "20900000000000" destination: 0:fea3645d37ac39cacc012a410ebcbc433aff3f83c1864ece06c79556152fdffe response_destination: 0:1b44ec553616b0e4551037038834bdf0bdaa1f0440e10f3331d9841585612a68 custom_payload: null forward_ton_amount: "1" forward_payload: is_right: false value: {} message_ext_out: src: "" dest: "" created_lt: 0 created_at: 0 init: null body: is_right: false value: {} send_mode: 3 query_id: shift: 6366 bit_number: 846 created_at: 1721170416 timeout: 21600

Kambizgholami commented 1 week ago

I am not familiar with githad, I don't know what to do