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Fake $LADY token copy #680

Open Linuxuser999 opened 2 weeks ago

Linuxuser999 commented 2 weeks ago

I am a holder of the first launched $LADY burned lp and revoked and a copy cat project popped up 4 hours after. It's causing a lot of confusion between people and it's hurting the original Lady! Very malicious activity.

First Pair created 13 hours ago

Contract: EQASaIVDyf8QBfhiLUOeiu2ayVoPZYadaPQTUAO1uED6TvAA


Second Pair created (copy cat) created 7 hours ago

Fake Contract: EQBowEMCNat-oFMWbRhhGBaEVxQO5qhyqei4P74D2xhx-TR6


Themushroommafia commented 2 weeks ago

I'm also a holder of the original burnt/revoked LADY (CA: EQASaIVDyf8QBfhiLUOeiu2ayVoPZYadaPQTUAO1uED6TvAA, and it's causing all of our holders additional stress to have this copycat out there, I would love to see the issue resolved

Linuxuser999 commented 2 weeks ago


As you can see above is the portal for the fake coin they copied the exact pinned twitter message from the real group below (difference in time: 8 hour difference)


The only thing changed was to a different twitter. Lack of effort showing malicious intent. Why create the exact same coin already out. This dev is clearly trying to make money off people getting confused.

I think tokens like this need some sort of warning to protect investors

Linuxuser999 commented 2 weeks ago

More evidence of bad intention

Fake project created a pull request for their token to be updated. After commenting about it the post was deleted. This is clearly a dev trying to hide the facts it is a copy.



Linuxuser999 commented 2 weeks ago

before image

After image

More evidence of hiding tracks / covering up that they were copying our token group. Obviously the devs behind this scam are watching this and changing everything they can to save themselves.