tonkeeper / tongo

Go primitives to work with TON
MIT License
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Hashmap Marshal has some bug #312

Open duruo850 opened 1 month ago

duruo850 commented 1 month ago

These codes run normally at times, but sometimes they throw errors: "not enough bits" ? why?

`package tonapiservice

import ( "fmt" "testing"



func TestHashmapE(t *testing.T) { // Hashmap的序列化有bug,数据一样的情况下,有时候会提示not enouth bits.

c := boc.NewCell()
//write function id to cell
if err := c.WriteUint(uint64(0), 32); err != nil {

type BuyInfo struct {
    StartLuckNum uint16 // 开始的彩票号码,从1开始
    Amount       uint16 // 购买的nifi数量

// go map
orders := map[uint32]BuyInfo{
    1: {StartLuckNum: 1, Amount: 2},
    2: {StartLuckNum: 3, Amount: 4},
    3: {StartLuckNum: 5, Amount: 6},
    4: {StartLuckNum: 7, Amount: 8},
    5: {StartLuckNum: 9, Amount: 10},
    6: {StartLuckNum: 11, Amount: 12},

type Msg struct {
    RoundId uint32
    Orders  tlb.Hashmap[tlb.Uint32, BuyInfo] // 订单号码:购买信息

// elb map
msg := Msg{
    RoundId: 10000,
var keys []tlb.Uint32
var values []BuyInfo
for key, value := range orders {
    keys = append(keys, tlb.Uint32(key))
    values = append(values, value)
msg.Orders = tlb.NewHashmap(keys, values)

// 序列化
if err := tlb.Marshal(c, msg); err != nil {

b, _ := c.ToBoc()
