tonsky / Clojure-Sublimed

Clojure support for Sublime Text 4
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Keystroke for REPL connect that includes port auto-detection? #41

Closed pmonks closed 2 years ago

pmonks commented 2 years ago

I enabled the following keystroke, and while it works, the port auto-detection logic doesn't seem to fire so I have to manually type the port into the little command window that pops up. Is it possible to fire the command from a keystroke, but have it auto-detect the port number, as happens when this command is run manually via the command palette?

In my user keymap file:

    {"keys": ["ctrl+j"],
     "command": "sublime_clojure_connect"},
tonsky commented 2 years ago

Works for me. It works like this:

Do you have this file? Does it contain the port number? Which OS are you on? Are there any errors in the ST console (ctrl+tilde)? Can you record a screencast?

pmonks commented 2 years ago

Yeah it's working for me now too. Not sure why it didn't work previously - perhaps I didn't have the folder with the .nrepl-port file open? Not sure...

Apologies for wasting your time.