tonsky / datascript

Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
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parameterized query with lookup ref returns different result to inlined lookup ref #335

Open xificurC opened 4 years ago

xificurC commented 4 years ago

There's a bunch of similarly looking issues from the past but none seem to be this particular case. A bad lookup ref inside the query throws an exception but the same query returns an empty set when the lookup ref is passed in as a parameter. Since the resulting query is identical I'd expect the semantics to be identical too.

% clj -Sdeps '{:deps {datascript {:mvn/version "0.18.8"}}}'
Downloading: datascript/datascript/0.18.8/datascript-0.18.8.pom from
Downloading: datascript/datascript/0.18.8/datascript-0.18.8.jar from
Clojure 1.9.0
user=> (require '[datascript.core :as db])
user=> (def s {:id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity}})
user=> (def c (db/create-conn s))
user=> (db/transact c [{:id :a}])
#object[datascript.core$transact$reify__3612 0x7f2c995b {:status :ready, :val #datascript.db.TxReport{:db-before #datascript/DB {:schema {:id #:db{:unique :db.unique/identity}}, :datoms []}, :db-after #datascript/DB {:schema {:id #:db{:unique :db.unique/identity}}, :datoms [[1 :id :a 536870913]]}, :tx-data [#datascript/Datom [1 :id :a 536870913 true]], :tempids #:db{:current-tx 536870913}, :tx-meta nil}}]
user=> (db/q '[:find ?id :where [[:id :b] :id ?id]] @c)
ExceptionInfo Nothing found for entity id [:id :b]  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)
user=> (db/q '[:find ?id :in $ ?idsel :where [?idsel :id ?id]] @c [:id :b])
xificurC commented 4 years ago

I wanted to compare to datomic but it behaves even differently:

user=> (db/q '[:find ?id :where [[:id :b] :id ?id]] (db/db c))
IllegalArgumentExceptionInfo :db.error/not-a-binding-form Invalid binding form: :id  datomic.error/arg (error.clj:57)
tonsky commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting! What do you thinkg the correct behaviour should be?

xificurC commented 4 years ago

I actually haven't thought of that, I guess I was expecting you to have a preference, wrt backward compatibility.

Thinking about lookup refs in a recursive rule I'd expect the unification to stop, not throw. Therefore allowing a non-matching lookup ref seems reasonable.

Reading datomic's docs they allow lookup refs in a parameterized query. I don't have a laptop right now, if you want to check to be compatible, feel free.

xificurC commented 4 years ago

I checked with datomic-free and it actually throws. The model is a bit different but the point is the same:

user=> (d/q '[:find ?foo :in $ ?id :where [?id :foo ?foo]] (d/db c) [:id :c])
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at datomic.datalog/resolve-id (datalog.clj:272).
Cannot resolve key: [:id :c]

I find this inconsistent because I thought of lookup refs as shortcuts, i.e. [[:id :c] :foo ?foo] to be equivalent to [[?e :id :c] [?e :foo ?foo]]. I guess they went the other way - the datomic blog post seems to suggest they were thinking of this when using the non-query APIs. There it might make more sense to throw, although I'm not exactly a fan of that either, but I digress.

What about a rule like [(x ?a) [?a :attr ?id] (y [:id ?id])]? In theory the :attr value should be a ref but for various reasons it might be modeled differently where a rule like this could make sense. Would one want to throw there? I guess not.

It seems it's hard to model this in a way that keeps backward compatibility and datomic compatibility and consistency at the same time. If you care more about:

I'd understand if you didn't want to break userspace or if some clients expected datomic compatibility, but my vote would go for consistency, then backward compatibility, then datomic.

tonsky commented 4 years ago

What about a rule like [(x ?a) [?a :attr ?id] (y [:id ?id])]

So the idea of lookup refs is that they are resolved only when they appear at a statically known entity id positions. In this case you have no idea what y is going to do with its argument so it won’t get resolved.

Lookup refs are a bit of a hack added at later stages, that’s why they might behave inconsistently. They are resolved in some places Datomic authors thought about, but would simply not work in some others.

xificurC commented 4 years ago

I see, that should make reasoning about them a bit simpler.

Since you asked for my idea of correct behavior I would suggest to not throw either way. This would be a difference compared to datomic. Either way, I'd settle with a solution that behaves the same way when sending the lookup ref as an argument and when inlining it in the query. I'm open to creating a PR if you tell me your final decision and give some pointers what to poke at.