tony-o / raku-fez

This project is for 'fez', raku's cool new shiny dist uploader & manager. If you're a module author you should definitely be using this sweet thang. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; This project and the underlying infrastructure is supported out of my own pocket and through donations. If you'd like to donate please check here:
Artistic License 2.0
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fez did not include depends info when indexing #31

Closed japhb closed 3 years ago

japhb commented 3 years ago

Uploaded MUGS::Core:ver<0.0.3>:auth<zef:japhb> via fez upload, and it soon appeared for zef (nice!). Unfortunately dists that depend on it were failing tests because zef wouldn't install any of its dependencies. A bit of searching later:

$ zef info MUGS::Core
- Info for: MUGS::Core
- Identity: MUGS::Core:ver<0.0.3>:auth<zef:japhb>
- Recommended By: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<fez>
- Installed: Yes, as MUGS::Core:ver<0.0.3>
Provides: 38 modules
Depends: 0 items

Note that last line, showing no depends entries. But here's the first few lines of the META6.json from that dist:

  "auth": "zef:japhb",
  "authors": [
    "Geoffrey Broadwell"
  "build-depends": [
  "depends": [

Clearly a significant depends list. So it appears that for some reason fez is not adding the depends info to its index.

tony-o commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed with a whole slew of backend changes made last night. Confirmed with you in IRC that it's showing correctly now -