tony-o / raku-fez

This project is for 'fez', raku's cool new shiny dist uploader & manager. If you're a module author you should definitely be using this sweet thang. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; This project and the underlying infrastructure is supported out of my own pocket and through donations. If you'd like to donate please check here:
Artistic License 2.0
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Pax Bundler not loading under macOS Ventura #77

Closed masukomi closed 1 year ago

masukomi commented 1 year ago

building on this comment

After upgrading to ventura i've noticed that the Pax bundler is not loading.

The for @chandlers -> $h { loop in Bundle.rakumod is calling next before adding pax to to @handlers because ::("$h").able returns False

tony-o commented 1 year ago

Please verify this is fixed in version 39

masukomi commented 1 year ago

Please verify this is fixed in version 39


v39 does not appear to be in this codebase, and there appears to be no mechanism to get it to tell you what it's using in the packaged version.

the only mechanism I know of to be able to determine what it's using is to put debugging lines in the source code and run that, but i don't have access to the source code to 39.

tony-o commented 1 year ago

fez -v tells you what version of fez you're running. This is info that should always be included in these reports (and checked first to see if an upgrade will resolve the issue). zef install --force 'fez:ver<39>' will force install v39.