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Remove Dependency on jQuery #7

Closed timdorr closed 10 years ago

timdorr commented 10 years ago

jQuery's nice and all, but it's a bit of overkill for this script. So, I got rid of it and replaced things with native functions. I assure you, they're not as scary as they seem!

Also, DOMSubtreeModified is super noisy and will have a rather negative effect on this script's speed (especially when combined with a non-native query like a not-attribute selector). I switched it out to MutationObserver, which is way less hyperactive, but still gives you all of the benefits of DOMSubtreeModified.

timdorr commented 10 years ago

Oh, and I don't know how to build a Safari extension, so I don't have a commit for that. Sorry :weary:

tony-o commented 10 years ago

@timdorr i added you to the readme for the gittip, just an FYI.

timdorr commented 10 years ago


tomsterritt commented 10 years ago

Safari hasn't reacted well, and I'm not familiar with MutationObserver :weary:

[Error] NotFoundError: DOM Exception 8: An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist.
    observe (greasemonkey.user.js, line 30)
    global code (greasemonkey.user.js, line 30)

Any suggestions?

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