tonybaloney / vscode-pets

Adds playful pets 🦀🐱🐶 in your VS Code window
MIT License
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vscode pets extension for visual studio #482

Open mcp111 opened 10 months ago

mcp111 commented 10 months ago

I want this pets extension for visual studio not just vs code Why should only vs code guys have all the fun???

tonybaloney commented 10 months ago

Visual Studio plugins are a totally different architecture in a different language. Someone would have to write this whole thing again from scratch ☹️

mcp111 commented 10 months ago

why are all the cool plugins like vscode pets, power code, glass it etc only for vs code?

tonybaloney commented 10 months ago

Because the plugin API is really simple. I've made plugins for other IDEs as well. VS Code is just easier and less work. All of this is done in my spare time.

mcp111 commented 10 months ago

I would greatly appreciate if you could make these extensions for visual studio also. I use only visual studio professional because I'm a hardcore coder.