tonydspaniard / Yii-extensions

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Segmentation Fault due to PHP bug in preg_match #22

Open dmitry-kulikov opened 9 years ago

dmitry-kulikov commented 9 years ago


    public function validateQuery($query = null)
        if ($query === null)
            $query = $this->_query;

        // If query is empty, it is considered to be valid
        if (strlen($query) === 0)
            return true;

        // Determine whether the query is well-formed
        $pattern = '/^' . $this->_regex['uric'] . '*$/';
        $status = @preg_match($pattern, $query);
        if ($status === false)
            throw new CException('Internal error: query validation failed');

        return $status == 1;

preg_match in this function can crash PHP execution if URI is too long.

Possible solution: ZF-10151: Improved notification in Http.php validateQuery() over preg_match crash caused by PHP backtracking bug

Probably same issue can appear: EUriHttp

    public function validateFragment($fragment = null)
        if ($fragment === null)
            $fragment = $this->_fragment;

        // If fragment is empty, it is considered to be valid
        if (strlen($fragment) === 0)
            return true;

        // Determine whether the fragment is well-formed
        $pattern = '/^' . $this->_regex['uric'] . '*$/';
        $status = @preg_match($pattern, $fragment);
        if ($status === false)
            throw new CException('Internal error: fragment validation failed');

        return (boolean) $status;