tonyfromundefined / nuxt-serverless

Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework
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Static file serve progress? #2

Closed maximivanov closed 5 years ago

maximivanov commented 6 years ago

Hey there! This template helped me a lot. Is there any update on adding static file support? Like for /favicon.ico and /browserconfig.xml (both live in nuxt's static folder)

tonyfromundefined commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for using my template.

As I proceeded with my personal project, there was a lot of progress on that template, and soon I will add it to this template. Static file serving feature will also be included in the upcoming update.

Thank you.

emkman commented 5 years ago

@jeehyukwon what is the purpose of the s3Sync plugin if not static file serving? Forgive me if I just don't understand that plugin's purpose.

pschaub commented 5 years ago

@jeehyukwon I am also interested into this, please let us know here once the update is ready.

tonyfromundefined commented 5 years ago

static file support is added in 0.0.4. But 0.0.3 to 0.0.4 has some deprecation.

so be careful for update your project.

tonyfromundefined commented 5 years ago

The current externals setting can be found on line 3542 of /node_modules/nuxt/dist/nuxt.js. There is currently an issue in which this setting can not be overridden in nuxt.config.js. Pull request to Nuxt.js is required.