tonyjunkes / pdfservices-java-sdk-cfml-samples

Samples for the PDF Services Java SDK Using CFML
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saveAs file exists exception #2

Open danderson421 opened 2 years ago

danderson421 commented 2 years ago

I can't seem to find a way to overwrite an existing pdf file. the saveAs function will not overwrite an existing file. ColdFusion keep the file open and a simple cffile delete & rename cannot be done.

Error says file is open by Coldfusion.

I'm simply trying to replace the input file after the operation is complete.

` <cfset variables.source = createObject('java','').createFromLocalFile(variables.docPath)> <cfset variables.destination = variables.docDir & "\COM." & variables.docFile> <cfset pdfOp = createObject('java', 'com.adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfops.CompressPDFOperation').createNew()> <cfset pdfOp.setInput(source)>

tonyjunkes commented 2 years ago

Interesting. At first glance I don't see anything suggesting the process should be left open, but I also don't see anything in the API to close anything either.

When I get a chance, I can see about reproducing and digging into it more. If anything, may need to ask as a general question regarding these Java classes on the official Adobe repo.

tonyjunkes commented 2 years ago

One thing to point out...

Looking here:

The saveAs method will throw an exception when a file exists in the file/path passed to it.

Throws: FileAlreadyExistsException - if the file already exists at the target location

Now as to why CF cannot act on the file after, I'm not sure off hand.

danderson421 commented 2 years ago

After reading a few other posts, it appears there is another method saveASFile, that may overcome this issue, but it doesn't appear to be included in your library...

tonyjunkes commented 2 years ago

Can you point to where you see that, so I can cross-reference?

This repo is a borrow of Adobe's Java repo, so it builds the same sample JAR (excluding slf4j) that makes use of com.adobe.documentservices 2.2.2. There is a beta release, but I have held off updating in favor of waiting for a full release. I have not looked at the beta release. Perhaps the function exists there.

The relevant API docs I am aware of for this project are here:

danderson421 commented 2 years ago

clearly a different operation, but the OP is having the exact same problem.

tonyjunkes commented 2 years ago

Hmm ok. That function is being referenced from the Node SDK. But from what I can tell, the flow of logic works similar in that if the file exists, it will throw an error.

It does mention the following, and I believe the Java API method works similar - "If this FileRef instance refers to a temporary local file created by the SDK, that temporary file is deleted.". I'm not sure what qualifies as a temporary file in this case, though. That's something I'd have to look into more.