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[리눅스 개발환경] 12. 메모리 #83

Open tonykang22 opened 2 years ago

tonykang22 commented 2 years ago

12. 메모리

메모리 개요

가상 메모리 (Virtual Memory)

페이지 (Page)

메모리 영역 (Memory Layout)


동적 메모리 할당


#include <stdib.h>

void * malloc (size_t size);

#define BUFLEN 1024
char *buf;

buf = (char *)malloc(BUFLEN);
    perror("malloc error: ");


#include <stdib.h>

void * calloc (size_t nr, size_t size);
#define BULFLEN 1024
char *buf;

buf = (char *)calloc(1, BUFLEN);
if (!buf)
    perror("calloc error: ");

동적 메모리 크기 변경

#include <stdlib.h>

void * realloc (void *ptr, size_t size);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define BUFLEN 12

int main()
    char *buf;
    buf = (char *)malloc(BUFLEN);
    if (!buf) {
        perror("malloc error: ");
        return -1;
    sprint(buf, "LinuxSystem");

    buf = (char *)realloc(buf, BUFLEN+11);
    if (!buf) {
        perror("realloc error: ");
        return -1;

    sprintf(buf+BUFLEN-1, "Programmig");
    printf("final buffer = %s\n", buf);


    return 0;

동적 메모리 해제

#include <stdlib.h>

void free (void *ptr);

메모리 조작

#include <string.h>

void * memset (void *s, int c, size_t n);

int memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);

void * memmove (void *dst, const void *src, size_t n);

void * memcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t n);


struct information { int index; char name[32]; char phone_number[32]; char mobile_number[32]; char address[128]; };

/ addr_book: memory for store address information / / memidx: start index of addr_book array / / pidx: start index of person's index / / pnum: count of input person /

void input_person_information(struct information addr_book, int memidx, int pidx, int pnum); void print_person_information(struct information addr_book, int pnum);

int main() { int nperson; int i; struct information *addr, newaddr; char yn[2];

    /* SETP 1 - input address book */
    printf("Input total number of person: ");

    if (nperson <= 0) {
            printf("Please input at least one person!\n");
            return 0;

    addr = (struct information *)calloc(nperson, sizeof(struct information));
    if (!addr) {
            perror("calloc error: ");
            return -1;

    input_person_information(addr, 0, 1, nperson);

    /* STEP 2 - add address */
    printf("\nanyone else? [y/n]");
    scanf("%s", &yn);
    if (yn[0] == 'y' || yn[1] == 'Y') {
            int addnum;

            printf("Input add number of person: ");
            scanf("%d", &addnum);
            if (addnum > 0) {
                    addr = (struct information *)realloc(addr, (nperson + addnum) * sizeof(struct information));
                                    if (!addr) {
                                            perror("realloc error: ");
                                            return -1;

                            input_person_information(addr, nperson, nperson + 1, addnum);
                            nperson += addnum;

            printf("\n< print original address book >\n");
            print_person_information(addr, nperson);

            /* STEP 3 - change address */
            printf("\nanyone change? [y/n]");
            scanf("%s", &yn);
            if (yn[0] == 'y' | yn[0] == 'Y') {
                int cidx;
                printf("Input change index: ");
                scanf("%d", &cidx);
                if (cidx <= 0 | cidx > nperson) {
                        printf("There's only %d persons\n", nperson);
                        return 0;

                printf("\n< change first person's information >\n");
                memset(&newaddr, 0, sizeof(struct information));
                input_person_information(&newaddr, 0, cidx, 1);

                if (memcmp(&addr[cidx - 1], &newaddr, sizeof(struct information))) {
                        memmove(&addr[cidx - 1], &newaddr, sizeof(struct information));
                        printf("\n< print new address book >\n");
                        print_person_information(addr, nperson);
                } else

printf("\nThe information is same!\n"); }

            return 0;


void input_person_information(struct information addr_book, int memidx, int pidx, int pnum) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pnum; i++) { struct information pinfo = &addr_book[memidx+i]; printf("\nInput %d person's information.\n", pidx+i); pinfo->index = pidx+i; printf("Input name: "); scanf("%s", pinfo->name); printf("Input phone number: "); scanf("%s", pinfo->phone_number); printf("Input mobile number: "); scanf("%s", pinfo->mobile_number); printf("Input address: "); scanf("%s", pinfo->address); } }

void print_person_information(struct information addr_book, int pnum) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pnum; i++) { struct information pinfo = &addr_book[i]; printf("[%d]\n", pinfo->index); printf("\tName: %s\n", pinfo->name); printf("\tPhone: %s\n", pinfo->phone_number); printf("\tMobile: %s\n", pinfo->mobile_number); printf("\tAddress: %s\n", pinfo->address); } }


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