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how to change game for psp online with xlink kai? #21

Closed alfredox123 closed 3 years ago

alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

when i change the game, the only way i mange to connect my pi with my vita is rebooting the whole rpi, is there a command that im missing to shutdown connection between vita and the pi?

also wanted to let you know that asus n13 usb adapter also works with this, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

toolboc commented 3 years ago


Very interesting, I never tried using XLinkKai with the PS Vita, but would be very thankful if you might be able to contribute steps for using this device in the official README. You should be able to shutdown the connection between the PS Vita and pi with: sudo iw dev wlan1 disconnect

See: for more details /options

alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

later i will try this thx, just for more info, im using a psp game on my ps vita. i just followed your guide and it worked but i think you need to add to that guide that you need to rename (to rename wifi-to-eth-route.sh1 for example) IF you have your pi connected through ethernet and using a psp xlink mode capable usb adapter. took me a few hours to discover that lol

toolboc commented 3 years ago

@alfredox123 , thank you for the suggestion, the documentation has been updated in

alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

im still getting command failed: operation already in progress (-114) when trying to connect to a new game with command sudo iw wlan1 ibss join (used the command sudo iw dev wlan0 disconnect before connecting to the new game)

toolboc commented 3 years ago

This may be an issue with XlinkKai, what happens if you try forcing the XlinkKai engine to restart with the following:

sudo pkill kaiengine
alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

same command failed

toolboc commented 3 years ago

I appreciate the assistance, unfortunately this isn't a use case I'm currently equipped to replicate. You could try to recreate the connection by deleting/restarting the wireless interface then attempt to reconnect with something like:

#delete the interface 
sudo iw dev wlan1 del

#restart the interface
sudo ifconfig wlan1 down
sudo ifconfig wlan1 up

#set interface to "monitor" mode
sudo iw wlan1 set type ibss

#reconnect to PSP
sudo service hostapd stop
sudo iw wlan1 set type ibss
sudo iw wlan1 ibss join <SSID> <frequency>
alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

sorry for late response "sudo iw dev wlan1 del" gives me command failed unknown error 524 (-524)

alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

nvm sudo ifconfig wlan1 down and sudo ifconfig wlan1 up did the trick thx!

alfredox123 commented 3 years ago

just to clarify, you dont need to rename for playing psp online, just tested the wireless method (wlan0 "internal wifi" - wireless internet and wlan1 "usb adapter" - psp connected to rpi3) and it works to