toolboc / psx-pi-smbshare

A swiss army knife for enhancing classic game consoles with Raspberry Pi
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Is exfat usb automatic mount supported? #23

Closed VersatileNinja closed 3 years ago

VersatileNinja commented 3 years ago

I was going to do a quick usb test with my pi4 and I had a game on a external 256gb usb 3.0 thumb drive, formatted as exfat.

In OPL, the SMB share error was 303.

I used a usb flash drive 2.0 that was 8gb, formatted as fat32, and all games were detected fine, no smb share error.

How do I use a exfat usb thumb drive for ps2 use and smb share?

Likewise, is NTFS supported? The readme file on main github doesn't go over these exact details.


NTFS drive works fine just not exfat.

toolboc commented 3 years ago

The script enables support for exfat and NTFS drives. It has been noted that exfat drives may require GPT based partitioning and may not work if it is configured as MBR, see this comment for more details:

VersatileNinja commented 3 years ago

Thanks for clarifying. I use windows 10 so I will look into how to make a GPT based partitioning and I should be good to go based upon comments you linked.

Update: Well, on Windows 10 I figured out how to format as GPT and exFAT with both my 8GB and 256GB usb drive, but OPL gives 303 SMB share error. I think the raspberry pi sees the exFAT drive but not mounting correctly the folder share?

I’m not going to worry about it as fat32 or NTFS works fine for a lot of my everyday needs so I will close the ticket.

If we want to troubleshoot further my exFAT usb drive mounting issue I’d be glad to help supply more info.